Archive for the MP's Category

Tony Blair Comeback – Not On Your Life!

Posted in America, Britain, Elections, English Schools, European Union, Immigrants, MP's, News, People's Rights, Political Correctness with tags , , , , on 02/05/2017 by floroy1942


Blair The Traitor

I cannot for the life of me understand why Tony Blair is trying to make a comeback into British politics. To me he must be stark raving mad if he thinks that anyone will vote for him. He has said that he doesn’t wish to be elected as a Member of Parliament, but will try to form a party that is against Brexit. This may get him some followers but it won’t do any good.

After what he did to Britain twenty years ago, anyone who votes for this idiot deserves to be locked up in a lunatic asylum.

Looking back, this man did more damage to the U.K. than any other politician in this country’s history. For a start he took us into the Iraq war at the behest of Bush the then American President. This cost the lives of many British soldiers and Iraqi civilians, and was based on a lie that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons.

After that he opened the doors of Britain to millions of immigrants who have taken over many towns in England. As a result, the British people have suffered much hardship and poverty.

In an interview with the Daily Mirror he said, “This Brexit thing has given me a direct motivation to get more involved in the politics. You need to get your hands dirty and I will.” Well, all I have to say is, his hands are filthy dirty already and no amount of soap will clean them.

He defended his record as Prime Minister and the centrists in the Labour Party, saying: “Okay, at the end of 10 years of my time as PM there were things people really objected to; Iraq obviously, and post-9/11 foreign policy. But don’t take that away from the achievements of that government – huge investment in the health service and schools, we reduced pensioner poverty and child poverty, we introduced the minimum wage. We did a lot.” The trouble is, he did far more damage to this country than any other politician in history, but of course he will never admit to that.

So far as the schools are concerned he made a right mess of it. With the influx of migrants our schools were overcome by them and hardly any spoke English. This meant that Arabic teachers had to be employed to give lessons, and where did that leave the English pupils in the schools? It meant that they lost out in school which is one of the reasons why most Brits cannot even put a proper sentence together. The standard of English in todays people who attended these schools is disgraceful. Here’s an example: “Can it be only Blair and his family don’t realise disliked he is?” – “o my god not this traitor again i thought he was dead god only help us all if he returns!”

If I had my way, he would have been locked up in prison for the rest of his life for destroying Britain and all it stands for. But he is an ex-prime minister and they never go to prison do they.

That this man has the gall to try and stop Brexit, which the majority of the British people voted for, is a scandal. The British people are right to separate themselves from the rest of Europe, for eventually all countries will be governed from Brussels. This is the aim of the European parliament who have far too much power over all European countries as it is. They decide on the laws that govern all European countries and we have seen evidence of this in Britain.

Criminals are out of prison when they commit murder in three or four years despite being sentenced to ten years. We hear of murders almost every day of the week because the Justice System cannot handle criminals properly due to the interference of the ‘Do-Gooders’. Britain is a shadow of its former self before Blair came to power, and it’s getting worse day by day.

The Muslims are getting stronger year on year and the ‘Do-Gooders’ make it impossible to control them. Tony Blair passed the Racist Laws in Britain to cover up his unrestricted entry of immigrants. This means that Muslim demonstrations can be held with a police escort, but if a British man stands on a street corner saying anything against the Muslims he is immediately arrested.

There can be no doubt that Britain has suffered so much damage at the hands of Tony Blair that it will never recover.


The E.U. Parliament At Work

Posted in America, Britain, England, European Union, Germany, MP's, News, Parliament, Politics, Spain with tags , , , , on 08/06/2016 by floroy1942

Someone sent me an e-mail showing the E.U.parliament at work. See what you think:

All Signed In But Doing Their Own Thing!

All Signed In But Doing Their Own Thing!












You may not believe this, but these people are receiving 12,000 Euros a month for this! It is definitely time for the United Kingdom to leave this ridiculous farce. VOTE OUT!


Insurance Number Quotas – Cameron Got It Wrong!

Posted in Britain, Budget Cuts, Children, David Cameron, European Union, Government Spending, Immigration, MP's, News, UK with tags , , , , on 20/10/2014 by floroy1942
A Disillusioned Man

A Disillusioned Man

David Cameron is once again in the news because of his new plan to make cuts in European migrants who come to Britain for work. But once again the silly man got it wrong! Jose Manuel Barroso has castigated him saying that free movement of European citizens is essential to the workings of the European Union (E.U.), and such a move would be against E.U. Laws.

UK National Insurance Card

UK National Insurance Card

Cameron’s idea is to place a limit on the number of new National Insurance Numbers given out to migrants, which should mean those without one cannot be legally employed. He is planning to give out only 100,000 per year, which according to him will restrict the flow of migrants to that number. He envisages only giving a temporary insurance number which would stop them from moving to Britain to work and claim benefits indefinitely. As the saying goes: “In yer dreams Pal!”

Migrant Workers Favoured For This Work

Migrant Workers Favoured For This Work

Such a tactic may help somewhat, but it will not put much of a damper on the numbers. Many will work without one because there are too many employers who will give them a job ‘on the black’ in order to save labour costs. As Mr. Barroso has stated, such a plan would cause great upheaval and problems within the E.U. for Great Britain and will, I am sure, founder on the rocks.

No Mr. Cameron, you are definitely on the wrong track! If you want to cut down on the number of immigrants coming to our shores there is only one way to do it: Stop giving them free benefits, housing and health care!

Just take a look at two random E.U. countries and see how they compare to the U.K.


Health care – Free, available immediately

Child benefit – Up to £161 a month available after 12 months

Unemployment benefit – Minimum of one year’s work required to qualify

Housing benefit – No equivalent scheme


Health care – Only available with a certificate proving entitlement

Child benefit – Immediate payment of £943 per year

Unemployment benefit – Six-month qualifying period

Housing benefit – Means tested, available immediately

The E.U. Migrant Flow Into The U.K.

The E.U. Migrant Flow Into The U.K.


Health care – Available immediately and free of charge under the National Health Service

Child benefit – Paid immediately if the child is under 16, or 16 to 19 and in education or training, and the claimant has an individual income of less than £50,000. Amount is £20.30 a week (£1,055 per annum) for the eldest or only child, £13.40 (£696 per annum) per additional child.

Unemployment benefit – Immediate payment of £71.70 (£3,728 per annum,) a week in Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) after proving ‘you are actively seeking work’. EU migrants have to pass the “right-to-reside” test to show they are “economically active”. The European Commission wants to abolish this test. There is also contribution-based additional JSA which is only available after working for at least two years.

Housing benefit – Available immediately if you are on a low income, whether you are working or unemployed. How much depends on individual circumstances, but amount cannot normally exceed £250 per week (£3,000 per annum) for a one-bedroom property, or up to £400 a week (£4,800 per annum) for four bedrooms or more.

Migrants Looking For Casual (None Registered) Work

Migrants Looking For Casual (None Registered) Work

Britain should be like other European countries, where, if you are not working, you get very limited benefits until you have been in the country, and worked long enough to earn them! This should apply to every immigrant, whether he or she is from within the E.U. or not. Over the years it has become clear that many of the immigrants coming to our shores do so for one thing,  free handouts.

Immigration Figures 2014

The Biggest Problem Is Self Evident!

It is true that many E.U. migrants do come here to find work, and many do so quickly, but they all get benefits and free health insurance and treatment from the NHS, and we all know what a mess that is in. So far as the non-E.U. migrants are concerned, all they want are the benefits, free housing and health care.

Someone Tells It Like It Is!

Someone Tells It Like It Is!

If all those wishing to come to this country are told they will get no benefits, free housing or health care for at least a year, the flow will rapidly decrease, especially among the non-E.U. migrants.

I think Mr, Cameron, you will have much more success with this plan than yours!


Some Never Get Paid For Their Sacrifice

Posted in Afghanistan, America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Equality, Human Rights, Immigrants, MP's, News with tags , , , , on 06/10/2014 by floroy1942



Tony Blair’s Disgraceful Conduct

Posted in Afghanistan, Britain, England, Government, MP's, News, Parliament, Politics, Royal Air Force, UK with tags , , on 30/09/2014 by floroy1942

I have never liked Tony Blair for what he did to our country, but what I have just seen would surely anger just about anybody. It would appear Blair hitched a ride in an RAF transport plane that was carrying dead servicemen back from Afghanistan when he decided to do some paperwork. He used the coffin, draped in the Union flag, as a footrest.

Not only has he destroyed Great Britain with his Multi-Cultural exercise, but now he has shown a disgraceful lack of respect for a British Serviceman killed in action in Afghanistan, and the flag of our country. If I had been on that plane I would have opened the cargo door and thrown him out.

I hope that every person in the land sees this photo and takes appropriate action.


Tony Blair Disrespects A Dead Serviceman and the flag!

Tony Blair Shows Disrespect To A Dead Serviceman And The Flag!

Why Is This Man Still On The Streets?

Posted in Al Quada, America, Benefits, Britain, Government, Insurgents, MP's, News, Terrorists, UK with tags , , , , on 24/09/2014 by floroy1942
Choudrey, And In The Background, His Protogee, Lee Rigby's Killer

Choudrey, And In The Background, His Protogee, Lee Rigby’s Killer

Yesterday I read that the well known Muslim hate preacher Anjam Choudrey has said that the British aid worker Alan Henning, currently being held captive by the IS terrorists ‘deserves no sympathy’. It is clear he will be quite happy for the IS killers to treat him the same way as the two Americans they decapitated. In an interview he is reported to have said: “In the Koran it is not allowed for you to feel sorry for non-Muslims. I don’t feel sorry for him.”

Alan Henning - Aid Worker

Alan Henning – Aid Worker

Choudrey was born in the UK, the son of a market trader in 1967 and became a lawyer. He soon gave that up to create various Muslim anti-western hate groups, many of which were banned by the government. He is currently the spokesman of Islam4UK. During his life he has praised the devastating attacks of 9/11 and of the 7/7 attack in London. He openly criticised the UK’s involvement in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan,  and has been responsible for the training in UK of young Muslims sent abroad to fight with terrorist groups. When Lee Rigby was murdered, Choudrey said he was “Proud” of his former student Michael Adebolajo.

Lee Rigby - Murdered On The Street In Broad Daylight.

Lee Rigby – Murdered On The Street In Broad Daylight.

This leads me to the obvious question: Why is this man still on the streets? He openly makes no secret of his feeling towards Britain and non-Muslims, and encourages others to join the jihad.

While some, but certainly not all, Muslims in the country are calling for the release of Alan Henning by I.S. Choudrey thinks the opposite and makes this fact known. His outburst came just after Henning’s wife made a heartfelt plea directly to I.S. in an effort to get him released.

Choudrey Is Even On Benefits!!!!

Choudrey Is Even On Benefits!!!!

Considering the openness of his stance against the British people, and indeed against all non-Muslims, it amazes me that he cannot be jailed for sedition. It is clear he cannot be deported because he is a British citizen. To top off this man’s cheek, he is even receiving £25,000 a year in benefits from the government he hates so much!

There can be little doubt that such people do not belong in our society and something should be done to remove him.



According to today’s news (25/09/2014) it seems maybe someone in authority has read my blog, for Choudrey along with eight others, has just been arrested on suspicion of being members of a banned organisation by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command.

Baronesse Lawrence? – What a Farce!

Posted in Britain, Conservative Party, David Cameron, England, Government, MP's, Parliament, UK with tags , , , on 01/08/2013 by floroy1942

What is happening in Britain that just about anyone can end up in the House of Lords? I cannot believe that the idiot Ed Miliband has decided that the mother of murder victim Stephen Lawrence be made a Baroness and have the right to sit in the House as a peer.

Sorry Ma'am, But No Way Should You Sit In The House Of Lords!

Sorry Ma’am, But No Way Should You Sit In The House Of Lords!

I have no wish to belittle the efforts Mrs Lawrence has made over the past twenty years to get justice for her son, or the charity work she began in his name, but surely, that does not entitle her to a peerage and a seat in the House of Lords. As many commentators on the story have said, what does she know about politics, world affairs and running a country? The simple answer is: Nothing! So in effect she is totally incapable of voting on issues that can affect every man, woman and child in the nation. I might add that this applies to many others who have been handed a peerage.

In my view there are many more people in Britain more deserving of a peerage but will never get one. I think the only reason Miliband has done this is because she is an outspoken critic of David Cameron, and he see’s her as another ally in the Upper Chamber. Its just Labour playing politics.

Miliband - I Wouldn't Trust Him To look After My Dog!

Miliband – I Wouldn’t Trust Him To look After My Dog!

If this lady can get a peerage then just about anyone can, from a local butcher who has faithfully served the community for thirty years, to many police, firemen and servicemen who have stood out through acts of bravery, down to aid workers who have saved thousands of lives through charity work overseas. You could also include many of our Olympic winners, in fact some are, and the list is in  fact endless.

This is more a case of grabbing headlines and an attempt at ‘one-upmanship’ on the part of Miliband to curry favour with the voting masses. However, I suspect the move will backfire on him if comments on the story are to be believed.

Baroness D’Souza - Speaker of the House

Baroness D’Souza – Speaker of the House

There are already an unbelievable 785 peers in The House, although not all attend and not all have the right to vote on issues, like MEP’s for example. The Speaker of the House, Baroness D’Souza, said last month that she found it “embarrassing to mention how many people are in the House”. She went on to add “the only larger House is the Chinese Politburo. It’s very worrying. We don’t need to be that large. The House is over-large. Of that there is absolutely no doubt.”

Part of the problem is that both Labour and the Conservatives have over the years given peerages to those who have given financial backing to the their party, in fact David Cameron has just handed peerages to 30 new people, half of whom are supporters of the Conservative Party. It is widely known, but not proven, that many financial backers of both Labour and the Conservatives demand a peerage as ‘payment’ for any financial backing they give.

The House - Packed In Like Sardines.

The House – Packed In Like Sardines.

What is further disconcerting is that peerages are handed out for life, and each one has the right to claim £300 for every debate they attend. Current estimates indicate there are 600 too many peers in The House and drastic measures need to be taken to slim it down to a reasonable size of between 150 to 200.

A suggestion has been made to include a mandatory retirement age for all peers, but that will take years to bring results. Whatever happens, there can be little doubt that drastic measures must be taken and soon, for if the House of Lords is to fulfil its function properly in our democracy, many of those members need to be given the boot, and among them Mrs. Lawrence. Sorry dear, no ill will intended!

The French Armenian Vote – A Big Mistake

Posted in Britain, Christianity, Europe, MP's, Muslim, Religion, Spain, UK, USA, World War 2 with tags , , , , , , on 24/01/2012 by floroy1942

The French government vote on the Armenian genocide has caused feathers to be seriously ruffled in Ankara, but I fear that is not the end of the affair. A major row between France and Turkey erupted when it was first known that the vote would take place, and now the motion has been approved it looks like getting worse. Ambassadors have been withdrawn and trade sanctions are also being initiated by Ankara.

French Senate

The law that has been passed states that it is unlawful to deny the genocide of Armenian civilians took place, and carries a prison sentence of one year and €45,000 fine. It concerns events that took place in Turkey, which at the time was the Ottoman Empire.

It is far too complicated to go into here, but suffice it to say that without a doubt atrocities were committed on both sides during the major upheaval in the region which spanned the years 1915 to 1918, and it is not for me to say what is and what is not true here, I leave that up to the historians.

Armenia - Eastern Turkey

The problems actually began in the late 1840’s when Christians living within the Muslim Ottoman Empire were persecuted for their faith. Muslims were by far the greater majority and many attempts were mad to drive the Christians out. Much as we see today in countries like Nigeria and Indonesia among others.

Armenian Fighters

Between 1840 and 1915 various attempts were made to assert the Christian position in the empire which led to many massacres on both sides. Among others, the Armenians were of various Christian denominations, and during the Russo/Turkish war of 1877 to 1878 many fought for the Russians in the Balkans and the Caucasus against the Turks. It was however, not until April 1915 that the Ottoman government ordered the arrest, imprisonment, and eventual execution of 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in the city of Van that the real purge began.

There can be little doubt that the stories of mass deportation and murder are not without foundation, just as the forced death march of Armenians to Syria also took place, but that is not the point of this post.

Expulsion of Armenians

Considering the fact that all this took place almost one hundred years ago I find the attitude of the French Government extremely distasteful. We are now in the 21st century, and what good does it do to rake up past atrocities and make them headline news once again? Well, according to some there is a purpose to this whole fiasco, Sarkozy wants to be re-elected as President! Many people seem to think that the aim of the French Government is to win the votes of the some 500,000 Armenians living in France.

To be honest, knowing modern politicians as I do, this does not seem too far fetched. Lets face it, Tony Blair thought it a good idea to throw open Britain’s doors to anyone who wanted to ‘live the good life’, and gave away shovel-fulls of money to them when they arrived just to get their vote. And it worked!

Erdogan - A Very Angry Man

If politicians and governments start down this road we will end up with the entire world in chaos, and everyone at each others throats. Why not hire some historians to do some digging so we can start on the British, the Spanish, the Italians, the Chinese or Japanese, the Hungarians or even the Americans? I’m sure just about every country has skeletons in the cupboard they don’t want airing and if we want to dig deep enough, or go back far enough, we can find some dirt on just about everyone on  the planet!

Its like Argentina wanting back the Falklands or Spain wanting Gibraltar because “they were ours three hundred years ago!!!” Politicians, like everyone else should treat history for what it is, history! Leave it to the dusty historians pouring over their dusty books in dark corners of the library, for this kind of spectacle does no-one any good, even today’s Armenians.


Britain Is Too Tolerant By Far!

Posted in Afghanistan, Al Quada, Arab, Britain, Christianity, David Cameron, Demonstration, England, Europe, Extradition, Free Speech, Government, Immigrants, Insurgents, Islamic Revolution, MP's, Muslim, Religion, Sharia Law, Taliban, Terrorists, UK, USA with tags , , , , on 11/09/2011 by floroy1942

Today, a day of world sadness when we remember those who died on September 11 2001, still the Muslim fanatics must have their voices heard.

During the one minute silence for the victims, held at the moment the first hi-jacked aircraft flew into the World Trade Centre, a group of Islamic militants were outside the US Embassy in London shouting their hatred and burning the US flag. What is more amazing, is that the police moved on a group of European Defence League (EDL) demonstrators to make room for the Muslims.

Burning The Flag

The militants were members of the Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) movement, responsible for many anti-British and anti-American demonstrations. Among their atrocious acts have been burning poppies on Remembrance Day, when this country remembers those who fought and died in two world wars to give them the freedom to do what they do, demonstrating and hurling insults at soldiers returning from Afghanistan, and doing the same in Wooten Basset at the funeral procession of those killed in action in Afghanistan.

Secret Past Of Prince William?

Prior to the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Moss, they voiced their intention to burn effigy’s of Kate outside Westminster Abbey. It didn’t happen, so I can only guess they changed their mind’s, or the police stepped in. It just makes me wonder how far this group wants to go in insulting everything British. The MAC website is full of anti-western propaganda and goes so far as to praise Muslim fighters.

The group was formed from the now banned Islam4UK that perpetrated similar acts in Britain, and Al Muhajiroun that was linked with terrorism.

Give The Bastards The Boot!

So why does the government not stamp down hard on these people and have them deported?

At A Funeral For Our Fallen

They come to live in Britain, probably on benefits, and do nothing but show their hatred for us and all we stand for. It is time Cameron and Co had them all arrested and deported back where they came from. No endless appeals – on the plane and  bye bye! Once far from our shores they can demonstrate as much as they like.

In the following clip are Muslims celebrating the life of Osama bin Laden, and who gets arrested by the police, you guessed it, British people protesting at the protesters. Proof enough that Muslims have more rights than the British population.

Don’t Upset The Muslims

During the time of the previous Labour government, these people were allowed to hold their demonstrations because Gordon Brown and his cronies were well into Muslim appeasement. You know:- “We don’t want to upset the Muslims!”

I sincerely hope we are not going to get more of the same tripe from the present government.


A Bungled Education System

Posted in Britain, Budget Cuts, Children, Conservative Party, David Cameron, England, English Schools, Government, Insanity, Liberal Party, MP's, Nick Clegg, Primary Education, Primary Schools, Teens, UK, USA with tags , , , , , on 10/09/2011 by floroy1942

Lancashire Hot Pot is a type of stew in which ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ goes in the pan, and this is probably the closest we will get to describing the British educational system at the moment.

Education is one of the cornerstone’s of any modern culture, and if you mess that up, you ruin not only people’s lives, but the future of the nation. So what has gone wrong in Britain?

Well, in a nutshell – politicians! If there is a way to mess up a perfectly good working system, politicians will find it!

Yea! Right!

Up to the beginning of the 60’s, we had a system of education that worked, and gave us many of the leading scientists, entrepreneurs and academics in the world. No one could touch us for sheer brilliance, not even the United States, who lured away most of our top scientists with promises of extravagant salaries (known as The Brain Drain).

In 1965,  Anthony Crosland, Secretary of State for Education for the then Labour government, introduced comprehensive schools. This was the catalyst for the de-fragmentation of UK education. From that moment on, we saw increased diversification into faith schools, technical schools, academies etc. etc. etc.

Each successive government since then has added its own few ingredients to the stew, and now today, we have a system of complete confusion, and on the verge of total collapse.

I Expected Better

I had hoped Cameron and Co. would have done something to fix the problem after 13 years of Labour meddling, but unfortunately, they have only succeeded in making the problem much worse by introducing ‘free’ schools, adding yet another variation to an already confused system. The kids don’t know where they belong, the parents don’t know which school is best for their child,  and the education staff are in complete disarray.

The evidence for this is everywhere you look. A youth that is semi-literate and unemployable, and teachers who don’t know what time of day it is! None of the ‘old style’subjects are taught properly anymore: history, geography, religious education, physical training, chemistry, and in many cases, physics.

A modern school: Teacher: “Right class! History is about the past, geography is where places are on the map, religion is about Jesus and all that stuff. – Karen, please pick up your pen dear! – Right, you can put it down now. – That was about all exercise which we call physical training. Next is chemistry, all about chemicals, and the last one is physics which concerns – errrr! Can anyone tell me what physics has to do with? – Jeremy? – Physical things? – Well I guess that is close enough. Right class, dismissed.”

Trying Hard But Getting Nowhere!

Sorry, just couldn’t resist it! It is indeed a sad indictment, when the education system of a country is so bad, that most of the pupils leaving it read and write like eight-year-olds. Sure, the figures look good when you see a 97% pass rate for GCSE, but when you consider that a twelve-year-old from 1955 could quite possibly have sailed through it, it doesn’t really mean much, especially in today’s hi-tech world.

Maybe we will have to wait for the next government (which will probably be Labour again so don’t hold your breath) for the UK education system to be kicked back into shape. But to be honest, I very much doubt if that will happen.

I reproduce a breakdown of the UK schools from the Independant newspaper which will probably surprise you:

Schools Graphic

3,446: There are 3,446 state secondary schools in England. The vast majority (about 2,950) are comprehensive in name. There are still 164 selective grammar schools in the country and the rest are either secondary modern schools or “high” schools (effectively secondary modern schools that choose to use a different name to describe themselves).

1,300: Within that 3,446 figure, there are 1,300 academies. The difference between these and those that remain maintained by the local authority is that they have the same freedoms as independent schools to set their own curriculum, hire non-qualified teachers and run their own affairs. There are, to complicate it further, two types of academies. There are those set up under the previous Labour government which have sponsors (education charities, private providers, independent schools and universities). There are 319 sponsored academies. Under the Coalition, existing state schools – firstly those described as “outstanding” by Ofsted – were allowed to transfer to academy status. There are 981 transferred academies.

10: A further complication is that virtually every state secondary school is a specialist school, specialising in one area or another of the curriculum. (There are at least 10 types of specialist schools including languages, science, maths, arts, sports, humanities and even rural studies.)

16,884: There are also 16,884 primary schools in England. Only a handful have decided to convert to academy status.

7,000: The picture is further complicated by the fact that about one in three English state schools (primary and secondary) are faith schools. There are just under 7,000 of these. They can either be voluntary aided or voluntary controlled. If they are voluntary controlled, the diocese or faith group has a far greater say over admissions. A breakdown of the faith schools reveals that there are 6,955 Christian state schools (mainly Church of England or Roman Catholic but with a handful of Methodist schools, too), 36 Jewish, six Muslim, two Sikh, one Hindu, one Greek Orthodox and one Seventh Day Adventist.

24: To this mixture can now be added the free schools: 24 of which have opened up for the first time this September. David Cameron has said he wants this figure to rise to the early hundreds in the next few years. Once it is set up, a free school has the same freedoms as an academy. The difference is that it is a new school started by a variety of parents’, teachers’ or faith groups (or education charity). It is also possible for a free school to be a faith school, but it must offer 50 per cent of its places to non-believers – a requirement not asked of mainstream faith schools.

2,415: To add to the mix, there are 2,415 independent schools: 1,625 primary and 790 secondary. These educate about 7 per cent of the school age population.

372: The picture elsewhere in the UK is simpler than in England. In Scotland there are 372 secondary schools, all comprehensive in intake. Of these, 53 are faith schools (all Catholic). There are 2,099 primary schools, 318 of which are denominational or faith schools, 314 Catholic, three episcopal and one Jewish.

1,435: In Wales, there are 1,435 primary schools and 222 secondary schools. All the secondary schools are fully comprehensive.

My thanks to the Independent.

From the above it is clear that some schools, e.g. acadamies, even have the power to hire unqualified teachers!!!

GCSE – A Worthless Piece Of Paper

The current mess has been criticised by no less than Professor Alan Smithers, a senior adviser to the Commons Education Select Committee, who said our education system is a ‘liquorice allsorts’ kind of system. He too argues that all children should have an equal opportunity for a good education. At the moment it is clear they do not.

There is but one way for education to go: One standard school system for the UK, and one curriculum for all. Once children have left school, they can go to acadamies to learn specialist subjects. GCSE’s should be hard so that only the most gifted are able to go to university.


‘Free’ Schools – You Must Be Joking!

Posted in Britain, Child Abuse, Child Discipline, Children, Christianity, Conservative Party, David Cameron, England, English Schools, Government, Insanity, Liberal Party, MP's, Nick Clegg, Parenting, Primary Education, Primary Schools, Religion, Teens, UK with tags , , , , on 04/09/2011 by floroy1942

At a time when most teenagers are leaving school semi-literate, it is essential the government take positive action to improve education, but in typical government style, they messed it up!

Misguided on Education

It has been announced that the first 24 so-called ‘free’ schools are open for business, and I predict the scheme is doomed to failure from the start. All it will do is ensure our teenagers leave school dumber and more confused than ever.

How on earth can parents, teachers and charities be allowed to decide their own curriculum? It beggars belief! Have Cameron and his cronies gone completely crazy overnight, or more likely, have they been listening to some of the crackpots in the system?

To begin with, considering most parents fall into the semi-literate category these days with standards of education that make them unemployable, how can they decide what their children should learn in school? Secondly, What the hell have charities to do with education? What could their input possibly be. How to wrap an aid parcel for Africa, or stand on a pavement collecting pennies! Perhaps a little simplistic for some, but you know what I mean. The point being, what makes charity workers and parents qualified to decide what is taught in our schools? It will certainly open the door to the ‘all-knowing’ crackpots who think they know best!

Pupils in School

I am so dumbfounded, I just cannot believe that any sane government would go down this road. It has always been essential that school curriculums be set by the government and taught in every school in the land. That’s why they call it The National curriculum for crying out loud! Only in this way can everyone be guaranteed the same level of education.

Doing it the governments way, we could find one school is teaching geography while another isn’t, and a different school could be teaching history while another isn’t.

But I Was Doing History!

What if ‘Johnny Fox’ goes to school in Nottingham, and then because his father gets a new job in Manchester, he has to change schools. They teach history in Nottingham but not in Manchester. They do geography instead! What is the child to do? Can anyone in the government answer that one for me? I doubt it!

Apparently, the Department of Education has only stipulated that English, maths and science must be taught.  Religious education must also be part of the programme and can be a single faith or many. It doesn’t stipulate that Christianity must be taught in a Christian country, but maybe that is so as not to upset the Muslims!

Let's Have Some PT To Fight Obesity

Why for example, have mandatory physical training classes not been introduced from primary school onward? We all know about the new boom in obesity, and many children fall into this category. Starting them on a regular exercise schedule, i.e. PT, from the age of five or six could be an effective way of combatting this.

‘Free’ schools, as prescribed by the government, will lead to hopeless confusion in schools, and for the pupils. The only positive things about the plan is that children will spend longer hours in school, and class sizes will be smaller.

It’s all right for Nick Clegg to prattle on about: “UK has one of most segregated school systems in the world”, but this is the fault of the previous Labour government. They allowed schools to ignore the national curriculum  in high immigrant areas, and changes to our education system by even having classes in foreign languages, like Arabic for Muslims etc. instead of insisting that all immigrant children learn English!

Muslim Classes - Evenings or Weekends

All children emigrating to England should attend national curriculum classes, and if they want to learn about e.g. the Muslim culture, they do it at weekends or evening classes run by Muslims. It is the only way they can properly learn about our culture and integrate. They are after all coming to live in the UK, and must adapt their lifestyle to our ways, while still being able to retain their own culture.

The coalition government it definately going in the wrong direction with this plan. I can only conclude that somewhere in the Education Ministry there is a nutter on the loose, and everyone there is listening to him/her.

Please God, Save our Country from total idiots!


‘Tough’ Community Service – Another Ken Clark Option Doomed To Failure!

Posted in Britain, Budget Cuts, Child Discipline, Conservative Party, David Cameron, Demonstration, Elections, England, Government, Government Spending, Human Rights, Justice, Liberal Party, MP's, Nick Clegg, Parliament, Police, Political Correctness, Prison, Riot, Teen Violence, Teens, Theft, UK with tags , , , , , , on 25/08/2011 by floroy1942

I know money is tight and the prisons are full, but I cannot for the life of me understand how our Justice Minister, Ken Clark, keeps rattling on about ‘Community Service’ being the answer to re-offending! This man is so out of touch with public opinion as to be laughable. Even his own government department statistics say he is totally wrong. Many Tory M.P’s were angry at his move away from tough sentencing.

Time To Go?

I am sorry Ken, you have given your country good service over the years, but you really should consider retirement.

He promises that instead of sitting at home watching TV or being down the pub having a beer when they are supposed to be doing community service, prisoners will be made to work a minimum of 28 hours a week paying back the community doing odd jobs like clearing up litter and painting! 

Stoke-on-Trent community service trial:

THIS Is Hard Work - 48 Hours A Week!

Considering that working people put in at least 48 hours a week I don’t call that ‘Hard Labour’ as he calls it. I also don’t think clearing up rubbish and painting is ‘hard labour’!

True, he is stuck with a problem in that the prisons are full and cost the country a fortune, but there are far better ways than this stupid idea. Criminals should be ‘banged up’ and anything less is just not good enough.

Even Women Prisoners Get To Improve Their Snooker Skills

If he really needs to cut expenses, take away all the TV’s, pool tables, gym machines and other luxuries that prisoners enjoy daily. Things which law-abiding people cannot afford! The cost of all these items comes from his Justice Department budget, and consequently the tax payer. That’s how you save money Ken!!!!

It is time all these superfluous things were taken away and the prisons turned back into places of punishment, not 5 Star hotels. Criminals in British prisons consider our penal system a joke, and that is why they turn to a life of crime, and why they re-offend as soon as they are released, sometimes within days for cryin’ out loud!

After A Hard Day Playing Snooker

Our Ken is so out of touch, he is even giving them a day off to look for a job; “Where convicts are unemployed, they will be forced to work a minimum of 28 hours over four days, with the fifth day spent looking for a job”. At least they will have time enough for a drink with their mates, or perhaps commit another crime!!!!

For the last thirty years, the public have been begging each successive government to ‘get tough on crime’, and sure enough, during each election all parties swear they will be.

Labour went the other way during their last term in office. Under them, less than half of all community orders were completed, and one in ten was cut short because the person doing it reoffended before completing  it. Criminals placed on community orders in 2008 committed almost a quarter of a million offences in the following 12 months. Of these, 1,500 were serious crimes such as murder and rape.

Although we have had promises (as usual) from the Conservatives and Liberals, what they are proposing still isn’t enough!

How Our Cells Are....

It is time Britain had its own Bill of Rights (even though we have the Magna Carta), and all these ‘Human Rights’ nutters should be told to go jump off the nearest cliff.

You cannot turn people away from a life of crime by being soft, and hoping they will change their ways. In our society, criminals, and especially young ones, see crime as the ‘way to go’. If caught they have little to fear, as is proven time and again by the fact many re-offend even while on bail for the first offence.

....And How They Should Be!

The youth of today are feared by much of the population, and they revel in it. It gives many a ‘buzz’ to see honest citizens cross the road rather than share a pavement with them. They are drunk with their own perceived ‘power’ and exercise it at will. They have no fear of going to prison, because it will at least give them chance to play a few rounds of snooker!

People have been complaining about the ‘harsh’ sentences handed out following the recent riots, but folks, that’s what you have been asking for all these years. Finally you get a government that is fulfilling your wishes, and you still complain!!!!!!

You Want To Give HIM A Slap-on-the -Wrist?

Stop whining and support those of our politicians who are willing to give out harsh sentences. Only by insisting the law return to complete impartiality can we hope for a return to any form of normalcy. Breaking the law is breaking the law, no matter how trivial the offence may seem!  

Campaign, or start a petition to get rid of all the luxuries prisoners enjoy on a daily basis, and insist our prisons return to what they once were; A place of punishment. Only by putting the fear of God into criminals will we ever persuade them to change their ways!
