Archive for the Europe Category

The Trouble In Spain

Posted in America, Britain, England, Europe, European Union, Government, News, Politics, Relationships, Spain with tags , , , , on 28/10/2017 by floroy1942


For forty years there has never been so much trouble in Spain as today. The Catalan government has declared it’s secession from Spain, but the Spanish government does not accept it. Catalan wants to be an independent  nation, but how many people accept this? We see daily on the news hoards of people celebrating the departure of Catalan from Spain, but how many really want to see this happen?

Crowds gather in Barcelona and cheer the secession but are they the majority of the population? Although thousands have gathered in Barcelona to cheer on their government it is nowhere near all of the people. Very many of them do not want to take this step and the upcoming vote, planned by Rajoy, will show how many really back this separation from Spain.

The leader of the separation movement Carles Puigdemont announced the separation from Spain a week ago and Premier Mariano Rajoy  was livid at the sheer arrogance of this announcement. At the moment he is planning to removed the current government of Barcelona, intending to replace them with people of his own. It is for sure this will cause a lot of trouble in the north, as people who voted for the secession will demonstrate on the streets of Barcelona and there will probably be riots on the streets.

Catalan is the biggest earner in the country, and if this goes ahead we can see that Spain will become a poor country as Catalonia flourishes with its wealth. Most of the wealth in the rest of Spain comes from tourism. Will we see the numbers drop if this plan goes ahead?

No-one knows how this will turn out, but Rahoy has called a general election in the near future. What the outcome will be of this vote no-one knows.



Ignorance Is Bliss

Posted in America, Britain, Canada, Conservation, Environment, Europe, Forests, Health, Modern World, News with tags , , , , on 02/07/2017 by floroy1942

Atmospheric Pollution In Cities

I wonder why today’s generation think that our weather patterns are normal? We have areas of the world today where temperatures are rising so fast that it is becoming unbearable. We have floods that have never been so destructive in the past, and droughts are common across many countries of the world.

In Africa for example, people are dying in their thousands because it is so hot and they have no food anymore. We have tremendous floods across the world where people see their houses washed away and many people die. In places like the United States and Portugal the air is so dry that forest fires spring up and reduce them to ashes. The one thing to remember is that we rely on trees among other things, like the sea,  to provide us with oxygen. Even the oceans are contaminated.

Whatever you might say, this is not normal, for fifty/sixty years ago these things never happened on such a huge scale. The world is destroying itself and there is no-one to blame but us humans.

Most of the weather changes have been caused by atmospheric contamination and we have our cars and factories to blame. If we continue like this I can see the end of mankind on this planet, for it will get so bad that the planet will be unlivable.

The sad thing is no-one is doing much to combat this threat to humanity. We have had climate conference after climate conference but nothing is changing, even though governments promise to do something about it.


To begin with, measures must be taken to get rid of diesel engines for they are the worst polluters. Second, we need to reduce the number of vehicles on our roads drastically. It is unbelievable that many families have three or even four cars per household. This has to be reduced.

All factories must be made to curb contamination by making sure that they do not pump dangerous chemicals into the air. This will take many years to accomplish but it must be done if mankind is to survive on the Earth.

At the climate conferences all countries say they will abide by the rules that are drawn up, but they seldom do. Life goes on as it always has and the pollution is getting steadily worse. Day by day we see cities covered in smog, and in China for example, people go around wearing masks so the pollution does not get into their lungs. As time goes on this will spread to many other cities across the world.

It is time for governments across the world to make some hard decisions about climate change, for it will steadily get worse as time goes by. It is easy to say “it will be alright in the end”, but it will not. As the pollution of our atmosphere gets worse and worse people will have a very short lifespan, and that is inevitable.

Time For A Laugh

Posted in America, Australia, Britain, British Humour, Canada, Europe, Germany, News, UK, USA with tags , , , , on 06/05/2017 by floroy1942

A Kiwi emigrated to Oz and opened up a petrol station. To increase its sales he put up a sign saying, ‘Free Sex with Fill-Up.’ Soon a local, Bill, pulled in, filled his tank, and then asked for his free sex. The Kiwi told him to pick a number from 1 to 10. If he guessed correctly, he would get his free sex. Bill then guessed 8, and the Kiwi said, ‘You were close’ the number was 7.  Sorry, no sex this time. A week later, Bill and his mate Bluey pulled in for a fill-up at the same station. Again Bill asked for his free sex. Again he got the same story, and asked him to guess the correct number. Bill guessed 2 this time. Again the Kiwi said, ‘Sorry, it was 4 ‘You were close’ but no free sex this time.’ As they were driving away, Bill said to his mate Bluey, ‘I think that game is rigged and he doesn’t really give away free sex.’  Bluey replied, ‘No it ain’t Bill, it ain’t rigged – my missus won twice last week.

A very cute Catholic nun was sitting on a train opposite a Muslim man wearing a turban, who was eating shrimp. Every time he ate one, he deliberately spat the tail in her direction, requiring her to dodge or deflect it. He finished the box of shrimp and threw it out the window.  Seeing this, she’d had enough of his rudeness, lack of manners, and his total disdain of women. She got up and pulled the train’s Emergency Cord. The Muslim looked at her and said, “You’ll get fined $250 for doing that, you stupid female, worthless Infidel, Catholic Bitch.” She smiled and said to him, “When I cry rape and they smell your fingers, you’ll get 10 years in prison, you towel-headed Goat Shagger! 


Three plus six, that son of a bitch is nine…..’ His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, ‘What are you doing?’ The little boy answered, ‘I’m doing my math homework, Mum.’ ‘And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?’ the mother asked ‘Yes,’ he answered. Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, ‘What are you teaching my son in math?’ The teacher replied, ‘Right now, we are learning addition.’ The mother asked, ‘And are you teaching them to say two plus two, that son of a bitch is four?’ After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, ‘What I taught them was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four.’


You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you’ve both shared:
A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship. B. Your blood-test results. C. Five tequila slammers!

You carefully pace yourself to time your orgasm so that: A. Your partner climaxes first. B. You both climax  simultaneously. C. You don’t miss the Golf on Sky sports!


I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my gas with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody was staring at me…. Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod.


A three year old walked over to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor’s office. He inquisitively ask the lady, “Why is your stomach so big?” She replied, “I’m having a baby.” With big eyes, he asked, “Is the baby in your stomach?” She said, “He sure is.” Then the little boy, with a puzzled look, asked, “Is it a good baby?” She said, “Oh, yes. It’s a real good baby.” With an even more surprised and shocked look, he asked… “Then why did you eat him?”


A man had a party where all the rich people attend. And the he had a pool with alligators. So he announced that anyone who will swim across this pool and come out alive will be granted three wishes. But no one wanted to go for the challenge. All of a sudden, there was a big splash and a man was swimming like a hell and came out alive.
So the host asked, “What are your three wishes?” The man replied, “Give me the shotgun and bullets and show me the idiot that pushed me in ….”


Two Priests are walking down the street when a drunk man comes up to them. He says, to the first Priest,” I’m Jesus Christ.” The Priest replies,” No son, you’re not!” So he says to the second,”I’m Jesus Christ.” He says,”No, son, you’re not.” The drunk says,” Look I can prove it.” He takes the two Priests into the bar. The bartender takes one look at the drunk and says,” JESUS CHRIST YOU’RE HERE AGAIN!!!”


A rich man and a poor man were sitting at a bar having a few drinks and they got chatting. after a while they realise both of there wedding anniversaries are the next day. Poor man, “What did you get your wife for her wedding anniversary?” Rich man, “I got her a pink ferrari and a diamond ring.” Poor man, “What made you choose those gifts?” Rich man, “She loves fast cars and I wasnt sure about the ring so if she doesnt like it, she can take it back in her new car… ” The poor, “Man nodds in agreement.” Rich man, “What did you get your wife?” Poor man, “I got my wife a pair of cheap slippers and a dildo.” Rich man, “Why did you choose those gifts?” Poor man, ” Well if she doesn’t like the slippers she can go f**ck herself.”


Little Billy came home from school to see the families pet rooster dead in the front yard.
Rigor mortis had set in and it was flat on its back with its legs in the air. When his Dad came home Billy said, “Dad our roosters dead and his legs are sticking in the air. Why are his legs sticking in the air?” His father thinking quickly said, “Son, that’s so God can reach down from the clouds and lift the rooster straight up to heaven.” “Gee Dad that’s great,” said little Billy.
A few days later, when Dad came home from work, Billy rushed out to meet him yelling, “Dad, Dad we almost lost Mom today!” “What do you mean?” said Dad. “Well Dad, I got home from school early today and went up to your bedroom and there was Mom flat on her back with her legs in the air screaming, “Jesus I’m coming, I’m coming” If it hadn’t of been for Uncle George holding her down we’d have lost her for sure!”


A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and place my privates inside. Then the gator will close his mouth for one minute. He’ll then open his mouth and I’ll remove my unit unscathed. In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink.” The crowd murmured their approval. The man stood up on the bar, dropped his trousers, and placed his privates in the alligator’s open mouth. The gator closed his mouth as the crowd gasped. After a minute, the man grabbed a beer bottle and rapped the alligator hard on the top of its head. The gator opened his mouth and the man removed his privates unscathed as promised. The crowd cheered and the first of his free drinks was delivered. The man stood up again and made another offer. “I’ll pay anyone 100 dollars who’s willing to give it a try.” A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar. A blonde woman timidly spoke up. “I’ll try, but you have to promise not to hit me on the head with the beer bottle.”


Jimmy was staring at a dog in the park whilst the dog was licking himself in appropriate parts and said to his dad, “I wish I could do that.” Jimmy’s dad looked down at Jimmy and said, “Maybe if you ask the dog nicely, he might let you!!”


A guy was standing in a bar when a stranger walks in. After a while they get to talking and at about 10:30 PM the second guy says, “Oh well,I better get home.My wife doesn’t like me to stay out during late night.” The first guy replies, “I’ll help you out of this. Just do what I say. Go home. Sneak into the bedroom. Pull back the covers. Get down between her legs then lick, lick and lick for about 20 minutes and there will be no complaints in the morning.” The guy agrees to try that and continues drinking with him for two more hours before heading home to give it a try. When he got home, the house was pitch black. He sneaks upstairs into the bedroom, pulled back the covers and proceeded to lick for 20 minutes. The bed was like a swamp so he decided to wash his face. As he walked into the bathroom, his wife was sitting on the toilet. Seeing her he screamed, “What the hell are you doing in here?!” “Quiet!”, she exclaimed. “You’ll wake my mother.”


A blonde and brunette are having tea when suddenly the phone rings. The blonde picks it up and immediately starts crying. Her brunette friend asks her, “Why are you crying dear?” Blonde says, “Because my mom just called and said that my father just died. “I’m so sorry,” says the brunette. The blonde finally stops crying, when the phone rings again. She picks it up and starts crying again. The brunette asks again whats wrong, to which the blonde replies, “My brother just called and said that his father died too.”


I hope you had a laugh. ‘Til next time.




Have A Laugh

Posted in America, Australia, Britain, British Humour, Canada, Europe, News, UK, USA with tags , , , , on 07/04/2017 by floroy1942

What a good shave will do for you!

A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his haircut, eating a snack cake The barber says to her, ‘Sweetheart, you’re gonna get hair on your muffin..’ She says, ‘Yes, I know, and I’m gonna get boobs too.’

A US Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Hendersonville, NC. He tells the priest, Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Last night, I beat the ever-living crap out of a flag burning, cop-hating, Muslim Jihadist.” The priest says, “My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to discuss your community service.”

I was testing children in my Dublin Sunday school class to see if they understood the concept of getting to heaven. ‘I asked them, ‘ If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?’ ‘NO!’ the children answered. ‘If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the garden, and kept everything tidy, would that get me into heaven?’ Again, the answer was ‘NO!’ ‘If I gave sweets to all the children, and loved my husband, would that get me into heaven?’  Again, they all answered ‘NO!’ I was just bursting with pride for them. I continued, ‘Then how can I get into heaven?’ A little boy shouted out: ‘YUV GOTTA BE FOOKN’ DEAD.’



Sorry for not calling you on New Years, I just got out of jail. I got locked up for punching the lights out of this bloke at a party.  In my defence… when you hear an Arab counting down from 10, your instincts kick in.

What’s the difference between a refugee and ET? ET looked better, smelled better, learnt English, didn’t claim benefits, had his own bike and wanted to go home!


One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, Mummy, will you sleep with me tonight?’
The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. ‘I can’t dear,’ she said. ‘I have to sleep in Daddy’s room.’ A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: ‘The big sissy.’


The doctor took the husband in first. The husband was a bit embarrassed and told the doctor he had trouble getting an erection with his wife and she was getting frustrated. He checked his blood pressure and other things then said he was going to check with the wife. He took her to another cubicle and asked her to disrobe. Then he told her to turn all the way around slowly. She did as instructed. He then told her to turn all the way around in the other direction. Then he said – “Ok, good – you can get dressed now, and I will talk to your husband”. The doctor went back to the other cubicle and said to the husband, “Well, you can relax, there is nothing wrong with you. I couldn’t get an erection either”


I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he’s only got one arm bless him. I shouted. Where you off to Charlie? He said, I’m off to change a light bulb. Well, I just cracked up, couldn’t stop laughing. I said. That’s going to be a bit awkward init? Not really, He said. I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard.


A son asked his mother the following  question:  ‘ Mom, why  are wedding dresses white? ‘ The mother looks at her son and replies:  ‘ Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure.’  The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father.  ‘ Dad why are wedding dresses white?  The father  looks at his son in surprise and says: ‘Son, all household appliances come in white.’

I hope you enjoyed this little offering. ‘Til next time.


Do You Believe In Climate Change

Posted in America, Australia, Britain, Conservation, Environment, Europe, Health, News, Oceans, Toxic Waste with tags , , , , on 06/04/2017 by floroy1942

Right Or Wrong?

Climate change is a touchy subject these days and many people do not believe in it. But the facts speak for themselves when you consider the massive flooding of countries like Peru, Australia and New Zealand, India and Bangladesh among others. Also we have drastic droughts and storms over different parts of the world. These things were unheard of in the past.

The weather patterns of the world have changed drastically over the past thirty years with drought, floods, massive hurricanes and typhoons, and a rising sea level. Some deny that these problems are manmade and are just a natural cycle in our world. The truth is that it is all manmade, caused by the heavy pollution we are sending into the atmosphere.

It would be difficult to ignore the facts when you consider such disasters with so many people killed and the loss of their homes. To me the facts cannot be denied for we are heading into the worst disasters of our world.

The big question is why? Is it a natural cycle or due to mankind’s ignorance to the state of our world. The toxic levels of our atmosphere are steadily rising due to our careless attitude to the climate, and as we go on the situation will only get worse.

Since the turn of the twentieth century we have been steadily increasing the contamination of the world’s atmosphere. It is said that last year we exceeded the possibility of the Earth to regenerate the atmosphere by August, and for the rest of the year  we added more and more contamination with the Earth unable to handle it. Even our oceans are being contaminated at an alarming rate through various means. So from this you can conclude that the planet and the atmosphere is getting worse year on year. When is it likely to stop?

Mankind is heading for extinction if we keep this up and in perhaps a hundred years we will cease to exist, because we have poisoned our atmosphere to the extent where all life on the planet will cease to exist.

I know that many people will consider this to be a load of rubbish, but you have to consider the condition of our world today, and imagine what it will be like in a tens of  years time if we continue living as we do.

The biggest contaminators of our atmosphere are vehicles and factories that push out toxic fumes daily. With over a billion vehicles on the planet and an untold number of factories the situation will get worse year on year. Some countries may see in twenty of thirty years time people walking around with gas masks, for already in China people wear face masks to stop the pollution from entering their lungs. This will soon spread to the west in some cities if we do nothing.

Already places like London, Paris, and in particular cities in the Middle East are suffering from heavy pollution and you can bet your life it will spread. The sad thing is, mankind seems oblivious to the spread of air contamination, and you can bet your life it will come and bite us in the backside.

At the moment people are living up to their eighties, nineties and beyond but that will soon change as the pollution of our atmosphere extends. You can make all the excuses you like but it will not change things unless we do something about it. There are so many people who believe that climate change is a myth, but in time they will see the truth as we are forced into taking measures to protect our health. It is not too late to do something about it but in ten or twenty years time it will be.

Governments have to start drastically reducing the number of cars in the world, and ban diesel which is the worst polluter. Factories must start using fuel that does not contaminate the atmosphere so much, but first people must be aware of the danger they are in for this to work. We all rely on governments to do the right thing, but sadly this is not the case for corrupt politicians are everywhere and their one aim in life is to be as rich as possible.

It is time for the world to made aware of the danger we are in and for the people to do something about it.


Laugh For Free

Posted in America, Britain, British Humour, Canada, England, Europe, News, Teens, UK, USA with tags , , , , on 13/02/2017 by floroy1942

A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his hair cut, eating a snack cake The barber says to her,  ‘Sweetheart, you’re gonna get hair on your muffin..’ She replies, ‘Yes, I know, and I’m gonna get boobs too.’

A Police Officer was patrolling late at night off the main highway.  At nearly midnight, he sees a couple in a car, in Lovers’ Lane, with the interior light brightly glowing. He carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine. He immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, filing her fingernails.  Puzzled by this surprising situation, the Officer walks to the car and gently raps on the driver’s window. The young man lowers his window. “Uh, yes, Officer?” The trooper asks: “What are you doing?” The young man says: “Well, Officer, I’m reading a magazine.” Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat the Officer says: “And, her, what is she doing?” The young man shrugs: “Sir, I believe she’s filing her fingernails.” Now, the trooper is totally confused. A young couple, alone, in a car, at night in Lover’s Lane and nothing obscene is happening! The trooper asks: “What’s your age, young man?” The young man says: “I’m 22, sir.” The trooper asks: “And her, what’s her age?” The young man looks at his watch and replies: “She’ll be 18 in 11 minutes.”

A very sad day today. After seven years of medical training and hard work, a very good friend of mine has been struck off after one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can now no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time, effort, training and money. A genuinely nice guy and a brilliant undertaker.

An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him ‘How do you expect to get into Heaven?’ The boy thought it over and said, ‘Well, I’ll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, ‘For Heaven’s sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!”

In the Pub the other day I was telling that old joke about what do you do if you see an epileptic having a fit in the bath? Answer: Throw in your washing…. We were all having a good laugh about this when this big bastard tapped me on the shoulder and said. “I don’t find that very funny. My brother was an epileptic and he died in the bath during one of his fits”. I said. “Sorry mate. Did he drown?” “No” he said, “He choked on a sock.”

When asked by a young patrol officer, “Do you know you were speeding?” This 83-year-old woman gave the young officer an ear to ear smile and stated:- “Yes, but …. I had to get there before I forgot where I was going.” The officer put his ticket book away and bid her good day. Makes perfectly good sense to me!!

When I was six months pregnant with my third child, my three-year old came into the room when I was just getting ready to get into the shower. She said, ‘Mummy, you are getting fat!’ I replied, ‘Yes, honey, remember Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy.’ ‘I know,’ she replied, but what’s growing in your bum?’

A Spanish language teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. “House” for instance, is feminine:     “la casa.” “Pencil,” however, is masculine:       “el lapiz.”

A student asked, “What gender is ‘Computer’?”  Instead of giving the answer, the teacher divided the class into two groups, Male and Female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether “Computer” should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation. The men’s group decided that  “Computer” should definitely be of the feminine gender (“la computadora”),  because: 1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic; 2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else; 3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and 4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck to buy accessories for it.  

The women’s group, however,  concluded that computers should be masculine (“el computador”),  because: 1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;  2. They have a lot of data but still can’t think for themselves; 3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and 4. As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer, you could have got a better model. The women won.

‘Til next time.



Merkel Is A Fool

Posted in Afghanistan, America, Britain, Europe, Germany, Immigrants, Islamic State, News, Terrorism, Terrorists with tags , , , , on 20/12/2016 by floroy1942

The latest atrocity that took place in Berlin Is presumed to be yet another attack by terrorists, and the body of a shot man in the cab seems to confirm the hypothesis. It is being said that the shot man was the driver and the lorry was hi-jacked to commit this outrage. I guess we will see in the coming days.

Since Angela Merkel invited refugees to come to Germany the terrorists have made several attacks in the country and one can only conclude that she has ‘opened a can of worms’ as they say.

I think Nigel Farage has described this whole scenario in one short sentence: “Terrible news from Berlin but no surprise. Events like these will be the Merkel legacy.” I think that just about sums it up.

His comment caused an uproar on the internet as people shouted him down for what he said. Here are some of the comments:

“Blaming politicians for the actions of extremists? That’s a slippery slope Nigel.” 

“Disgraceful for you to try to make political capital at a time like this.” 

“This post shows the type of human you are. Using this as point scoring against Merkel, disgusting.”

All of the comments made by the public on this news item were backing Farage on what he said:

“I’m afraid to say that Farage does actually have a point, It was Merkel, who at her instigation brought close to a million migrants to the EU. Since then we have seen a rise in terrorist attacks with in the EU. We have seen serious attacks on France, Belgium, Luxemburg, numerous arrests of Individuals who have been co-ordinating attacks, all over Europe.” 

“Farage is totally right. Same old MSM agenda to report a handful of tweets from a very, very small minority that want to disparage the common sense of what he says. Politicians are wholly and utterly to blame for this mess and only the parasites that feed off their largess support them.”

We already know that there were many hundreds of Islamic State terrorists who came into the country pretending to be refugees, and they have steadily been getting organized. There can be little doubt that this wave of violence will continue in the future.

How any politician could make such a grave error is beyond me, especially knowing the danger that this terror organization can cause. It has been proven that only a third of those that came to Germany were in fact refugees from Syria, but the German government made little effort to confirm that they were in fact refugees. People poured in from Pakistan, Afghanistan and many African nations, all taking advantage of Merkel’s open invitation.

In this time of revolution by the Muslim faith, I fail to see how any sensible politician could make such a serious mistake and put their people in such danger. This goes not only for the German people, but with free movement within Europe it is also putting the public of other nations in danger.

There can be no doubt that as the Islamists get organized, there will be many more attacks within Europe, and people will die. It baffles me as to how politicians can be so dumb as to allow this.

To imagine that the aim of these Islamists is to live among us in peace as Europeans is extremely naive. These Islamic State savages are intent on one thing, and that is to take over the whole of Europe and make it a Muslim state. Those who cannot see this will eventually recognize this fact when they start taking over.

Already we see areas of Britain where they have taken over towns and areas of cities like London and Birmingham where English people dare not live and are afraid to enter. This is also evident in cities like Marseilles in France and areas of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, plus many more in Europe.

The thing that surprises me more than anything else is that the European politicians still fail to recognize this threat. But rest assured, the time will come, and then it may be too late to stop it.

News film by Fox News in english


The Secret of Sinkholes And Why They Happen.

Posted in America, Australia, Canada, England, Environment, Europe, Life in the Universe, News, Russia, Space with tags , , , , on 30/08/2016 by floroy1942

Have you had any sinkholes appearing in your area? There have been a huge number appearing all across the world for no apparent reason, and you could be driving along a road and suddenly the whole thing collapses in front of you. Have you ever wondered why this has suddenly started happening?

Although most people do not know the reason for this phenomenon, the following film will give you some idea as to why this is happening all across the world. It shows pictures and film of many sinkholes across the world, but wait till the end and you will find out why this is happening. The answer may well surprised you.

So now you know why it happens. Lets just hope it never happens near you eh! I for one certainly hope it never does.



Would You Call Your Child Pilot Inspektor?

Posted in America, Britain, Child Abuse, Children, Europe, Insanity, Modern World, News, Parenting with tags , , , , on 30/08/2016 by floroy1942

It seems we are heading into the realms of dumb, sheer stupidity when it comes to naming our children these days. I just read an article where some of the most ridiculous names ever invented have been given to celebrity children. Who are these people trying to kid?

Jason Lee With Pilot Inspektor

Jason Lee With Pilot Inspektor

There are better ways of getting your name in the papers than giving your children such idiotic names. Some of them may sound cute when the child is still a baby, but what happens when they get to schools age, of even worse, when they are adults. I would be utterly ashamed to have to tell, for example, the tax man or a prospective boss that my name is Pilot Inspektor. Have people totally lost it these days?

Here are some of the other names that celebrities have given their children:

Blue Ivy Carter (Beyonce and Jay Z)

 Little River Rocket joins siblings Daisy Boo, Petal Blossom, Poppy Honey and Buddy Bear

Little River Rocket joins siblings Daisy Boo, Petal Blossom, Poppy Honey and Buddy Bear

River Rocket (Jamie and Jools Oliver)

North and Saint West (Kim and Kanye West)

Jagger Snow (Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross)

Rocket Zot (Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle Worthington)

Sparrow James Midnight (Nicole Richie and Joel Madden)

Apollo Bowie Flynn (Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale)

Maple Sylvie (Jason Bateman)

Apple (Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow)

Sailor Gene (Liv Tyler and Dave Gardner)

Cricket and Birdie - Two Sisters

Cricket and Birdie – One of Two Sisters

Cricket and Birdie (Busy Philipps and Marc Silverstein)

Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson (Uma Thurman and Arpad Busson)

Reign Disick (Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick)

Banjo Patrick Taylor (Rachel Griffiths)

Briar Rose (Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen)

Bingham ‘Bing’ Hawn Bellamy (Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy)

Buzz Michelangelo Fletcher

Buzz Michelangelo Fletcher

Buzz Michelangelo Fletcher (Tom Fletcher and Giovanna Fletcher)

Titan Jewell (Kelly Rowland and Timothy Witherspoon)

Bodhi Ransom (Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green)

Blue Ivy Carter (Beyonce and Jay Z)

I can just imagine some of these poor kids introducing themselves to their new friends, “Hi my name is Rocket Zot Worthington but you can call me Rocket!”, an utterance that would be swiftly followed by howls of laughter.

I have no idea how this stupid craze started, but I am sure the kids will regret it when they get older. They have my sympathy.




Walmart On The Beach

Posted in America, Australia, Britain, British Humour, Canada, England, Europe, Germany, Modern World, News with tags , , , , on 27/08/2016 by floroy1942

Ever wondered if Walmart customers go holiday? Well here they are on the beach.

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Meanwhile In Australia

I hope you liked it. ‘Til next time.




A New Russian Threat To Ukraine?

Posted in America, Britain, Europe, Insanity, News, Nuclear Weapons, Politics, Relationships, Russia with tags , , , , on 12/08/2016 by floroy1942
S-400 Missiles

S-400 Missiles

Once again the threat level in Ukraine has been raised by Russia moving  more S-400 Triumph missiles into the Crimea. Ever since Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and sowed the seeds of revolution in eastern Ukraine, the problems have been slowly escalating. Will it lead to war, no-one knows.

Bit by bit both the Americans and the Russians have been sending in troops and war equipment along the eastern border. A few months ago NATO and the Americans moved battalions of troops into Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland to ‘bolster defences’.

This was answered by Russia who now have 40,000 troops stationed along the Crimea/Ukraine border, and to my mind, it would take a only a spark to ignite a war. There can be little doubt that both sides need to tread very carefully so as to avoid a major confrontation.

Yevhen Panov Shown In Custody

Yevhen Panov Shown In Custody

Recently Russia accused Kiev of sending saboteurs across the border into the Crimea, and reported the deaths of a soldier and a secret police officer in an operation to foil the alleged plot. The Russians are holding a man, Yevhen Panov,  who they claim is a saboteur working for the Ukraine government, this of course Ukraine has denied.

Ukrainian Tanks

Ukrainian Tanks

Kiev has placed all their troops on high alert along its de facto border with Crimea, and along its front line with Russian-backed rebels holding parts of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east after the claim. They have also moved a great number of tanks close to the border with Crimea.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow might be forced to cut diplomatic ties with Ukraine if the crisis worsened.

It is situations like this, where lies and deceit are rife, that ends up starting wars. As the situation escalates in Ukraine and Crimea we could be heading for a whole load of trouble. I for one hope that the politicians get their heads together and solve this before it does escalate into war.


This Crazy World!

Posted in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Europe, Insanity, Modern World, News, Russia, UK with tags , , , , on 18/06/2016 by floroy1942

People today come up with some really weird ideas, and it makes me wonder where they get them from. Glancing through the internet news pages I came across a piece that said you should always wear red underwear.

Wear Red

Wear Red

This amused me so I looked further, and some woman called Anjel O’Bryant, a leading Australian colour-response analyst said, “Colour is an untapped source of energy and it can work in your favour.” She said that, “Our bodies and minds are able to respond to colour through our base chakra, which is at the bottom of the spine. Picking the right colours, particularly when it comes to your underwear, can enhance and even change your life,” She also recommends wearing deep blue if you’ve got an important job interview. “It’s a very calming colour, it says I’m very professional,” So from now on make sure all your undies are red, or blue if you are attending a job interview, and this goes for men as well. To be honest I really don’t know where these people come from, for the stories they tell are getting more ridiculous day by day.

Escaped Robot

Escaped Robot

Another funny story was of a robot that escaped from a Russian lab and took a stroll around the city of Perm. Apparently it was being taught to move around independently and decided to take advantage of an open door and took a stroll around the city centre. As you can imagine, it stopped traffic as everyone wondered what the hell was going on, but eventually it ran out of battery power and stopped in the middle of the road. The police stood guard until people from the lab came and collected it.

You really couldn’t make things like this up could you.
