Archive for the Christianity Category

Britain Overcrowded – Wait ‘Til 2030

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, European Union, Government, Immigrants, News, Politics, Sharia Law, Terrorism with tags , , , , on 04/01/2017 by floroy1942

One Hundred Thousand Muslims Gather In Birmingham UK

The government has turned a blind eye to this massive increase of immigrants for they cannot be seen as racist, but what they do not see is that their policies will eventually give the whole country major problems at some time in the future. There can be little doubt that as the Muslims population grows they will start to take over the Parliament along with county and city councils. Once they do this there will be a steady drift to Islam across the country. It will be sad to see a once famous country, and a previous world leader, end up as a Muslim country.

imagesBut don’t think that Britain is the only country under threat, for the same thing will happen in Germany, France, Holland, Denmark and Sweden among others. The governments of these countries are also letting in a steady flow of Muslim immigrants who are supposed to be fleeing the Syrian war, but most of them are not from that country. It was proven that only a third of all the ‘refugees’ that came to Germany last year were actually from Syria, the most came from Pakistan, Afghanistan and many African countries.

The greater majority live off huge benefits due to the number of children they have, and are sucking the economy dry. As you would expect, those British people who are employed are all paying the cost of this with increased taxes etc. While many of our people are living on the most basic of incomes, these immigrants, especially those with large families, are raking in huge amounts of money every week.

There must come a time when this farce has to stop for the sake of the country. It is time for all the countries of Europe to round up all illegal immigrants and return them to their own countries. They also need to put a stop to the inflow of migrants for the sake of the continent otherwise we will all be in grave trouble. Once the war in Syria is ended they should all be sent back to their own country and not be given permanent residence.

This is the only way to stop the rot that has set in and prevent Europe from becoming a Muslim land in the future. God help us all.


Religion Is Dying In Britain

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, England, Justice, News, Parenting, Prison, Teen Violence, Theft with tags , , , , on 24/05/2016 by floroy1942

ChurchIt seems that Britain is to become a non-religious country in a few short decades. A report out today indicates that the number of people who consider themselves to have no religion is increasing at a steady rate.

In 2014 a survey showed that 48.5% claimed they had no religion compared to 43.8% who said they had. The 43.8% included Anglicans, Catholics and other denominations. So it would seem that religion is dying in the U.K.

Mind you, I am not surprised considering the state of today’s middle-aged people and in particular the youth. In general, few people in the country today think of anything but ‘self’, which is sad. Yes I know there are those who care for others, but today they are becoming a minority.

Life-long friends like we had when I was young are a thing of the past, for today friends come and go like the wind.

Yet Another Murder - How Many This Month?

Yet Another Murder – How Many This Month?

Never in the history of our country has there been such brutality among the people, and I say this because of the number of brutal murders, rape and robberies that happen today. Hell’s bells, you can’t even have a slight accident today without the driver of the car you touched getting out and beating you up. Just think about it and you will know I am right, at least the old people will.

At one time the greatest majority of people were held in check by their religion and would not think of committing robberies or murder, but today they think nothing of it. “Oh what do I care. I will only get a couple of years in prison if I am caught.”

When they kill an old-age pensioner for a few pounds they have no remorse at all, or when they seriously injure someone in a street brawl on a Saturday night.

When all today’s old-age pensioners are dead, religion will die in Britain along with them. We will see all our churches closed down and more than likely turned into mosques. Now there’s a thought! All our church clergy and bishops will be lining up at the dole office for their weekly handout.

You might be forgiven for thinking that religion has no place in today’s world, but you would be wrong. Religion has for centuries given people a set of standards to live by, being kind to others, helping others, and caring about those who are less fortunate than themselves. I am not saying that everyone lived by these rules, but the greater majority did.

Prison Today - Like A Holiday

Prison Today – Like A Holiday

When I was young there were very few murders in the country and the killers were hung for their crimes. Now-a-days they get off with a few short years in a prison that is like a holiday camp with all the mod-cons. I much preferred the old system that put the fear of God into any would-be killer.

It is a sad situation, but is something we have to accept for the future.


Muslims Infiltrating The BBC?

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, England, Immigrants, Insanity, Muslim, News, Political Correctness, Religion with tags , , , , on 17/05/2016 by floroy1942

1It seems incredible, but the Muslim influence is starting to spread to our TV screens because they now want less Christian worship and the addition of Muslim worship programmes on ‘the box’.

A report by  Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC’s head of religion and ethics, states that the BBC’s output is too Christian and has suggested Muslim, Hindu and Sikh faiths should get more airtime.

Aaqil Ahmed

Aaqil Ahmed

Mr Ahmed said in a statement: “Christianity remains the cornerstone of our output, and there are more hours dedicated to it than there are to other faiths. Our output in this area is not static, though, it has evolved over the years and we regularly assess it. We do look at the number of hours we produce, and measure that against the religious make-up of society.”

The number of Muslims has risen drastically in the last ten years to more than three million. It has been suggested by Ibrahim Mogra, of the Muslim Council of Britain, that the BBC should give TV coverage of the Friday prayers from a mosque and give more coverage to the Eid.

Songs Of Praise - A Christian Programme

Songs Of Praise – A Christian Programme

A BBC spokesman said which programmes would be stopped to allow more Muslim content is not yet known but, “We … are actually intending to do more programming around Christianity and more on other faiths as well, so there is absolutely no question of an ‘either or’ on our output.”

What are we going to see next on our TV’s, Muslim game shows or news broadcasts. The mind boggles, and anyone who thinks that the Muslims will  not try to take over the country in time is a complete fool!


The Pope Lives In Dreamland

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, England, European Union, Immigrants, Islamic State, Muslim, News, Religion with tags , , , , on 17/04/2016 by floroy1942
The Pope's Message

The Pope’s Message

First let me say that I have great respect for the Pope and for all the good he is doing, but, and it’s a big but, he really does not know what he is talking about with the migrant crisis. For a long time now he has been saying that Europe should open its doors fully to those pouring across the Mediterranean in their hundreds of thousands, and all countries should take them in.

It would appear to me that he thinks only of the humanitarian approach to this problem, but does not consider the great harm it will do to Europe. If Europe threw open its doors to all and sundry we would be completely overwhelmed by the millions coming here for a better life. The economy of every country would collapse totally and it could lead to an internal war.

There is just not enough housing or jobs for all these people and they would all end up living off benefits. The benefit system in every European country cannot take the huge strain of such a situation and the entire economy would collapse.

What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

On top of this, how would you separate the economic migrants from those fleeing war in their own country? From the 1.82 million that came to Europe last year it has been proven that two thirds of them are economic migrants, even though they all claim to be from Syria. They have come here for the handouts, free lodging and to line their pockets, but weeding them out has been impossible due to the huge numbers. But this does not influence the Pope!

On top of that, he does not mention the outrageous attacks perpetrated by members of ISIL who have crossed the Mediterranean under the guise of being refugees. The attacks in Paris and Brussels have been a stark warning to all European countries that we are entering a dangerous situation with the Muslims. Yes, I understand they are radicals, and yes, they are not typical of all Muslims who come here, but there is a great deal of sympathy for their cause among ordinary Muslims. You don’t see mass demonstrations by Muslims on the streets of our cities against ISIL do you?

The Pope With Refugees

The Pope With Refugees

I was quite amused when I heard that he was taking twelve migrants back home to the Vatican. Where is he going to house them? In his own quarters? No matter what he thinks, these are Muslims who want nothing to do with religion outside of their own. I can guarantee you that even if they step foot in the Vatican, because it is the seat of a foreign religion they will not want to stay long. I cannot imagine them saying their five-times daily prayers to Allah in the Vatican church! Can you imagine the Vatican ringing to the sound of ‘Allah U Akbar’ five times a day? I can’t.

Mind you, it is possible he will hand them over to the Rome councils to give them a home in the city somewhere, we shall have to wait and see.

Although a pious man filled with good intentions, he does not understand the great harm that his idea would bring to Europe. We have seen in Britain that they are very happy to come here when they arrive, but once they have settled in their attitude changes. They become Muslims again!

One Muslim's Message

One Muslim’s Message

They want nothing to do with the British people, and prefer to set up ghetto’s or take over whole towns like Bradford so they can live the Muslim way. They have absolutely no interest in integrating into the local population, as we have seen in Britain, and they prefer to live apart so they can live the ‘Muslim way’!

If Europe were to do the Pope’s bidding and open all doors to every Muslim that wants to come here the continent would become Muslim in no time at all. If anyone has doubts they should read my previous post that tells it from the perspective of a former government minister who headed Britain’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips. He found out the hard way while trying his best to get the Muslims to integrate.

Now The Truth Is Known About Muslim Immigrants:


This is not all ‘pie in the sky’ as we say, but hard facts that show the truth about Muslim integration. But please don’t think that I hate all Muslims because of what I write, for that is not true. They are human beings with as much right to live their lives as we do. But they should be more like us and live with what they have rather than try and take over the world.


Migrants – And The Shape Of Things To Come!

Posted in Benefits, Britain, Christianity, England, European Union, Germany, Immigrants, Muslim, News, Religion with tags , , , , on 18/10/2015 by floroy1942

It was no surprise to me to read today that a cleaning woman at a refugee camp has been sexually harassed by two Muslim inmates. The cleaner was assaulted every day for ten days before she had the nerve to report the abuse. Two refugees, one aged 38 and another of 52, have been arrested at the refugee camp in Kitzingen, Germany.

Local councillor Tamara Bishop said: “As a woman, what happened here really worries me.” To combat this problem the company charged with cleaning the centre will now send only men to carry out the work.

Muslim Violence In A Refugee Camp

Muslim Violence In A Refugee Camp

It would appear that this is not an isolated case for many refugee camps in Germany are suffering from a wave of violence among the inmates. Doctors in Calden have said they will no longer treat the sick in the camp without an escort because of attacks on them. Last month an ambulance was attacked by refugees at the camp, and around 300 people attacked each other with metal bars after an argument in a food queue.

To me this comes as no surprise, and yet Angela Merkel has opened up a ‘can of worms’, for Germany is expecting 1.5 million refugees to arrive this year, and what next years total will be is anyone’s guess. There can be little doubt that with her rash statement of a few weeks ago she has opened up the doors to a wave of problems for Germany.

I very much doubt that these incidents, and in particular the rape of a German women, will be the last when these refugees are released into the community. Rape in particular is considered a right in Muslim society and is even condoned by the Qu-ran.

Muslim View On Rape

Muslim View On Rape

In Britain the number of rapes per year has gone through the roof since Tony Blair allowed the country to be filled up with Muslims. When they see our women dressed the way they are each of them is considered a legitimate target for any Muslim male who is feeling a little randy, or thinks he can exploit the situation.

In my view we haven’t seen anything yet, for once these people are released into the community the crime rate, and in particular rape, will skyrocket and we may well reach a situation where no German woman feels safe on the streets without a male escort.

What most people here seem to forget is that these people do not live by the same rules as we do, and even though they are now living in a Christian country they still feel they can do as they please. This fact has been proven time and time again in Britain, and it will come to Germany too.

Europe is being overrun by these so-called refugees and I say that because as previously reported, from the influx between April and June of this year official figures based on registration data state that barely a third were from Syria and Iraq. The rest were all economic refugees from Albania, Pakistan, Bangladesh and African countries here to live off benefits and make money.

And They Just Keep On Coming

And They Just Keep On Coming

With so many entering Europe the resources of many countries like Germany will be bled dry within a year, and that is not counting the wave of refugees that will come next year once the winter is over. People in the know are of the opinion that we will see a far bigger flood of refugees to our shores, making 2015 seem like a party.

It is time for the European Parliament to begin working together to stem this flow before we all drown under it.


How Long Before Britain Goes ‘Pork Free’?

Posted in Arab, Britain, Christianity, England, Equality, Immigrants, Muslim, News, Politics, UK with tags , , , on 05/10/2015 by floroy1942
The Humble Ham Sandwich - Don't Let The Muslims See It!!!

The Humble Ham Sandwich – Don’t Let The Muslims See It!!!

I read a news item today that completely astounded me. New guidelines are being prepared by the interfaith group CoExist House to stop office workers from placing sausage rolls and ham sandwiches in the office fridge alongside other products. And guess who it is intended to please: The Muslims Of Course!

The groups idea is to get the practice banned in all office premises so that Muslims will not be offended by having pork next to their food in the fridge.

Andy Dinham The 'Do-Gooder'

Andy Dinham The ‘Do-Gooder’

In defense of his policy Andy Dinham, professor of faith and public policy at Goldsmiths, University of London said, “It would be good etiquette to avoid heating up foods that might be prohibited for people of other faiths. The microwave example is a good one. We also say, ‘Don’t put kosher or halal and other… special foods next to another [food] or, God forbid, on the same plate.”

Ukip MEP for the North East Jonathan Arnott said: “It’s exactly this kind of nonsense proposal that leads to segregation, misunderstanding and intolerance.”

The Sunday Joint - Roast Pork! Hmmm!

The Sunday Joint – Roast Pork! Hmmm!

Really, who’s damn country is this, ours, or does it now belong to Muslims? I can see that before long these whining ‘Do-Gooders’ will have pork banned throughout the entire country just to please the bloody Muslims! Gone forever would be pork pies, bacon for breakfast, sausage rolls, ham, party sausages and the pork roast for Sunday dinner. It makes you wonder what else they are going to come up with!

If this attitude keeps up among these idiots I can see them demanding that all British women wear a burka to show the proper respect for the Muslim faith!!!!!

I don’t know about you, but to me the whole country is going stark raving mad in its attempts to ‘please the Muslims’. How much longer do we have to suffer these idiots dictating what we can and cannot do in our own country?

My simple answer to the Muslims is: If you don’t like the way we do things then move somewhere else!!!!!!


Is This The End Of The European Union?

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, European Union, Immigrants, Islamic State, News, Religion, Terrorism, United Nations with tags , , , , on 26/09/2015 by floroy1942

IllegalsThe immigration crisis has now been dragging on for months and we can be sure that it is nowhere near over, for migrants keep coming here in the hope of being accepted. The registration system for migrants has totally failed under the huge pressure put on it by the number of people who want to stay here.

Discarded Life-vests And Dingies On The Shores Of Lesbos

Discarded Life-vests And Dinghies On The Shores Of Lesbos

They all claim to be Syrian refugees but we know for sure that they are a minority because most are nothing more than economic migrants who are taking advantage of the situation. In my last post (22/9/15 – Proof Most Of The Refugees Are Fake) I highlighted that according to official figures, only a quarter are actually from Syria although they all claim to be.

Oh Sh?t Me And My Big Mouth

Oh Sh?t Me And My Big Mouth

This massive influx has put enormous pressure on various states within the Union, especially since Angela Merkel made the rash statement that all refugees are welcome in Germany. This single statement opened the floodgates, and now the country is struggling to find places for almost a million refugees flooding there. There can be little doubt that in the future, Germany will live to regret that enormously reckless statement from its leader.

The Litter Trail

The Litter Trail

Meanwhile, other countries like Greece, Italy, Serbia, Croatia and Hungary are suffering as the migrants make their way north across the continent in an effort to reach Germany. Their paths northward could probably be seen from space because of the hundreds of tons of litter they leave on roads and at every stopping place on their journey.

The Schengen Agreement that allowed free unrestricted travel between E.U. member nations is all but dead as one country after another is invaded by these swarms of migrants, and even Germany has reopened border controls in an effort to control the migrants entering the country.

Country after country is refusing to take its share of the migrants as dictated by the E.U. idiot Jean-Claude Junker, and is causing a great loss of cohesion among union states.

Donald Tusk

Donald Tusk

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council said in a meeting of the European Council that the 28-member bloc was on the verge of breakdown. He is reported as saying that “much of the blame lay with Germany,” accusing Chancellor Angela Merkel of exacerbating the problem by sending the signal to desperate Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland that Germany had no limit on the number of migrants it would accept. In his speech he said, “Today we are talking about millions of potential refugees trying to reach Europe, not thousands. It is likely that more refugees will flow towards Europe, not less. Especially as almost all of them feel invited to Europe.” I think he ‘hit the nail on the head’ as the saying goes.

French President Francois Hollande said: “Those who don’t share our values, those who don’t even want to respect those principles, need to start asking themselves questions about their place in the European Union.”  Certainly a stark warning of the possible collapse of the European Union.

Getting In Any Way They Can

Getting In Any Way They Can

It is considered that with Europe’s ‘Open Door Policy’ to these people we are putting the future of 28 nations in grave danger. While these people are grateful for being accepted and given a safe haven in which to live while their country is at war, there is one major problem with us accepting so many.

Being Muslims, after their initial euphoria at being allowed to stay, they will refuse to properly integrate and adapt to European society and our way of life. We have seen this in Britain over the last twenty years when Tony Blair opened the country’s doors to the whole world.

Is This What We Want To See In Our Towns And Cities

Is This What We Want To See In Our Towns And Cities

Even after Britain gave them a safe home they still refuse to accept the ‘British Way of Life’ and are steadily turning towns and cities into Muslim communities where true Brits are afraid to live. They are steadily changing our education system to suit their purposes, and by refusing to learn the language are slowly taking over the education system to the detriment of English children.

This is not just relevant to Britain, but also France and many other E.U. countries. In France we see much the same problems in for example, Marseilles where they are steadily taking over the city. The same is true of many Dutch cities.

Who Indeed?

Who Indeed?

By years end authorities expect to see more than a million refugees coming to Europe, and you can bet next year, after the winter, the flow will increase unless something is done. But with the current mess, and the inability of our politicians to take concrete steps to stem the flow, we will be completely overrun by this time next year.

See What I Mean!!!!!

See What I Mean!!!!!

One of the first things that must be done is to sort out the legitimate Syrian refugees from the economic refugees of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan among others. They must be sent back straight away for this will send a message to any future hopefuls that we will only accept genuine refugees from countries at war. In effect, this means that Europe could rid itself of somewhere in the region of two thirds of the ‘refugees’ which will bring down the numbers to manageable proportions.

Religious Map Of Europe

Religious Map Of Europe

If proper action is not take swiftly, it could without doubt cause a major breakdown of the entire European Union. Not only that, but it will leave the Christian continent of Europe in grave danger of being taken over completely by the Muslims at sometime in the future. I say this because we are already at risk of this phenomenon due to the huge birthrate of Muslims already here compared to our own. The new influx of refugees will only add to the problem.

Europe continues to accept these people even though other Arab nations have closed their doors to them. It was reported recently that only now is rich Saudi Arabia beginning to accept refugees, even though this problem has been around for many years.

Many, But Not All Middle East Countries Have Opened Their Borders to Refugees

Many, But Not All Middle East Countries Have Opened Their Borders to Refugees.

Many of the richest Middle East countries, and I might add fellow Muslims, have closed their eyes and borders to this entire problem for many years and refused to help in any way. Considering that this is a Muslim problem one would think they would have been the first to offer assistance to their own kind.

Yes! We Believe In Doing Nothing!

Yes! We Believe In Doing Nothing!

It is only in the last months that some nations have joined with NATO countries to bomb ISIS positions in Iraq and Syria. It is however unfortunate that this is nowhere near enough to solve the problem of the terrorist organizations that are threatening world peace. It is time the United Nations got together a multi-national force, entered countries at war with terrorists and wiped them all out. Only then can peace resume and the refugees go home.


How Heartless Can People Be Today?

Posted in Britain, Christianity, England, Human Rights, Justice, News, Old Age Pensioner, Traffic, UK with tags , , , , on 10/09/2015 by floroy1942

I was scanning the Yahoo News page today when I saw CCTV footage of a speeding car that ran into a 91 year-old RAF veteran. The car, driven by Gurpreet Sandhu, aged 27 was speeding at 56mph in a 30mph zone when he hit John Downes in Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands of Britain as he was crossing the road. The driver was listening to very loud music in his car.

Three other people were waiting to cross the road at the time he crossed. As the car hit him and flung him high into the air and over the car, they saw everything that happened.

There were two women and one man who saw everything, but once the old man hit the ground the two women turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened. From the video it appears that only the man dropped his umbrella and moved across the road to help the victim.

I find this typical of many people today who are simply not willing to help others in trouble because they think it has nothing to do with them. I am truly sickened by this uncaring attitude of people today who think that if it does not affect them directly its none of their business. How can anyone be so heartless as to ignore an old man lying critically injured in the street? The least they could have done was take the time to call an ambulance!

Whatever happened to our Christian values?


A Canadian Local Mayor Refuses To Remove Pork From A School Canteen Menu

Posted in Britain, Canada, Christianity, David Cameron, Immigration, Islamic Revolution, Muslim, News, Religion, UK with tags , , , , on 10/08/2015 by floroy1942

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of all the Muslim immigrants making demands of schools, local councils, and the government that we should change our ways to suit them.

The Future

The Future

For example, it makes me angry every time I hear Muslims demanding that all pork be removed from school meals because pork offends them. Ok! So it offends them, but they don’t have to eat it, and our children have the right to do so if they choose. At least you would think so would you not?

Muslim-Schools-Ban-Our-CultureBut what happens? Here all the schools immediately drop pork from the menu to satisfy these people! It is not right, but we have too many appeasers in our society who are doing everything they can to please the Muslims  and are damaging the country and the British way of life.

I was therefore very proud to read of the Canadian Mayor of Dorval who sent the following letter to all Muslim families who attended school.

Muslim parents have demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. It seems it is offensive to the Muslim families and shows much disrespect.
The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval, has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents in the municipality to explain why.

The following is what the note stated:
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that is where they chose to immigrate. They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so generously welcomed them.
They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (Whereas the reverse is not true, in that ALL Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants.).
They must also understand that, no more than other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity nor their culture. And if Canada is a land of welcome, it is not just the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.
Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. Therefore, the municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
“For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah law. If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere. So, ask yourself the question, just once, Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from? A canteen with pork is part of the answer.”

When people emigrate to our country it is not for us to make concessions to satisfy their beliefs, it is for them to adapt to our way of life – or leave.

The Muslim Message For Britain

The Muslim Message For Britain

Ever since the traitor Tony Blair raised the gates and let everyone from the whole world in we have had this problem with the Muslims. They refuse to adapt to our way of life but insist that we change ours to accommodate them. Sadly, there are those wimps in the British population who think we should. These idiots turned on their own people to satisfy a bunch of foreigners who are intent on changing our way of life to their own. If I had my way they would all be locked up as traitors.

I must admit I did like the “Canadians are not willing to give up their identity nor their culture”, for that is exactly what we are doing in Britain today. Bit by bit we are bending over backwards to appease these people by giving them everything they want. Pretty soon the country will not be recognized as a Christian country anymore.

Wrong Approach David!

Wrong Approach David!

We are playing into the hands of the Muslims bit by bit, and as their numbers grow, at some time in the future the whole country will become Islamic. The reason for this is that no-one, not local councils, and certainly not the government, is willing to stand up to these people and tell them the truth – like the mayor of Dorval!


What Can We Do About The Migrant Crisis?

Posted in Britain, Christianity, Environment, European Union, Human Rights, Immigrants, Islamic Revolution, News, Terrorism, United Nations with tags , , , , on 20/04/2015 by floroy1942

Once more the death of a host of migrants trying to reach the shores of Europe has hit the headlines. This time approximately 700 people on a small boat have died within 80 miles of the Libyan shore, and what has Libya done about it, well, the answer is once again; Very little! 

Asylum Seekers Make The Crossing 2014

Asylum Seekers Make The Crossing 2014

Lampedusa is a small Italian island 180 miles from the Libyan coast while the closest the Italian mainland comes to Libya is 260 miles, so you have to ask who has the major role in stopping and/or rescuing these people? It should be Libya, but as usual it is mostly left to the Italians to find and rescue those that could be rescued, and to search for the bodies of the missing.

It forces the question, why is Libya not taking a leading role in this dilemma, after all it is in their territorial waters? From their half-hearted interest one would think they are happy that these people are leaving their shores, no matter what the perils. It would seem they have little regard for the lives of refugees.



In all the stories I have read and seen on the TV News, I have seldom heard of a Libyan boat helping these people when they are in trouble. The Libyan government is doing nothing to stop them from taking this huge gamble, and certainly doing nothing to stop the people traffickers who are operating on their soil.

I for one fail to understand how people as destitute as these refugees can come up with $1,000 to pay the traffickers for the trip. Surely that amount of money would go a long way in their own country. How do they come by it? Admittedly, some are fleeing the violence and are not necessarily poor, but many are.

The Refugee Crisis

The Refugee Crisis

You have to ask why they all want to come to Europe, but really the answer is quite simple. Here they are always allowed in. After a short stay in a refugee camp they are released and receive a home, money to live on, and for the most part, free medical care. So why would they not want to come to Europe? You can cry pity for these poor people as much as you like, but some time it has to stop.

Before I go further, let me state clearly that I can understand the hardships these people have to live under, especially when they are fleeing the violence meted out indiscriminately by Muslim terrorists like Islamic State and al Shebab. But surely they would be better off heading for another Arab land like Bahrain or Saudi Arabia for example. But no, they all want to come to Europe, the land of milk and honey.

Demonstration In Favour Of Refugees

Demonstration In Favour Of Refugees

The Italian government wanted to cut back on the sea patrols to dissuade the migrants from trying to cross, but what happened, storms of protest from other E.U. nations and human rights organizations about the inhumanity of leaving these people to die. What is remarkable however, is that these protests were not accompanied by offers of help, and none of it was directed at the Libyan government! Italy has been left holding the bag and resources are being strained to the limit.

Many European nations have made no effort whatsoever to take in refugees once they land on European shores. Most head for western nations like France, the U.K., Germany and Holland among others. Few are taken in by east European lands by comparison.

If Europe is to continue its humanitarian help to these people then the load has to start being shared by all nations. While it may be up to Italy to provide the help, all other nations should at least bear part of the cost, and Brussels must recognize this quickly.

Time For Action Not More Words

Time For Action Not More Words

But the biggest problem is how to stop the flow of migrants heading for our shores. In my view all the nations of the world need to work together to firstly wipe out the terrorist threat in these countries, and then improve living conditions for the people.

I can already hear you thinking, that is a tall order, but impossible, no!

When the threat of communism struck South Korea in the 1950’s, world powers came together and drove back the North Korean Army when it invaded the south. That was the only time in history that the U.N. fulfilled its role as it was intended to be. Aggression by one nation on another would be met by the unparalleled might of all other nations. Since that time the U.N. has become nothing more than a talking shop resorting to ‘Condemning’ verbally any act of aggression.

The War Is Over!

The War Is Over!

The Korean War was a hard and bloody battle, but democracy won in the end, so who is to say that all nations cannot come together to defeat the Muslim terrorist threat across the world? All it needs is the will, and for the United Nations to get off its fat duff and do something positive for a change.

Think what you may about the Muslim insurrection but it is spreading bit by bit, one country to another, and soon it may be on our doorstep if we ignore it. It is said by experts that if Islamic State manage to take over the North African countries, which they are trying to do, then Europe will be next. Who is to say this is impossible, for we already have in excess of 56 million Muslims living among us, and many show their radical leanings on a daily basis.

All In The Name Of Allah The Peaceful God

All In The Name Of Allah The Peaceful God

Once the terrorist threat is dealt with, the next thing is to improve the living conditions of those enduring difficult circumstances. Again this is work for the United Nations, but why shouldn’t they do something to earn the fat salaries they get?

For countries like Africa the biggest challenge is the effects of global warming which is slowly turning the entire continent into one huge desert. Year on year the Sahara is extending southwards. but the solution is already known.

Environmentalists have for years said that the way to stop the encroachment of the Sahara is to plant a forest of trees across its current limits to bring back the rain.

Saving Africa

Saving Africa – The Tree Line

Impossible I hear you say, but why? There are trees enough in the world to supply the necessary seeds and saplings for planting, and we cannot say we do not have the manpower. The rich countries of the world can also supply water to barren areas of Africa and other places because we have the technology, and the means.

Water Flows Under The Sahara - All We Have To Do Is Reach It

Water Flows Under The Sahara – All We Have To Do Is Reach It

If a united effort were to be made by all countries to supply the necessary equipment and expertise it could be done. Man never knows what he is capable of until he tries! All it takes is the united will of the people and the governments.

By making the homeland of these migrants liveable we can stop this endless flow of refugees to our shores and improve the lives of millions. Worth the effort I would say.

Earth After Man

Earth After Man

I guess that many readers are currently scoffing at these outrageous suggestions, but mankind is under serious threat right now and unless we take positive action soon it will be too late. There is hope for mankind if we all stop thinking of ourselves and share what we have with those less fortunate.


How Far Down The Muslim Appeasement Road Must We Go?

Posted in Britain, Christianity, David Cameron, England, Equality, Human Rights, Immigrants, Muslim, News, Religion with tags , , , , on 03/03/2015 by floroy1942

Last I heard Britain was still a Christian country, but it seems all that is about to change. I read today about a despicable act by the international  company Marks and Spencer’s. When I read the report I simply could not believe it!

Mark's & Spencer

Mark’s & Spencer

The company has, apart from its many High Street shops, a lucrative business in receiving orders for such things as flowers for those celebrating some event or other. Any customer can order a bunch of flowers and have them sent on to the recipient with a message card. However, there is now a catch! M & S have now banned anyone from using the words Christ or Jesus Christ  in messages that accompany a bunch of flowers you may order.

FlowersSo if you want to send a bunch of flowers to your Gran on her birthday with the message “Happy Birthday and May Jesus Always Be With You” they will refuse it. You may also not use the word ‘Gay’ in any messages. But funnily enough, well  not really, you can use such words as Jihad, Allah and Buddha, so if a Muslim wants to send a message with flowers that reads, “Long Live the Jihad” he can, and no-one at M & S will bat an eyelid!

This whole despicable farce came to light recently when a woman was stopped from buying a £35 bouquet for a funeral because she said in the gift message that it was from a family in ‘Christ Church Teddington’.

For many years now there have been countless acts of Muslim appeasement in Britain which is slowly but surely destroying the fabric and traditions of our nation.

Things To Come?

Things To Come?

Even the traditional Christmas celebrations are being hit by ‘Holier Than Thou’ idiots who think that we should ban Christmas ‘because it upsets the Muslims‘! Christmas decorations are much subdued in many towns, cities and shops across the country because of this mistaken belief. Pretty soon there won’t be any at all if this continues and Christmas will be banned altogether.

Is This What The Founders Envisaged?

Is This What The Founders Envisaged?

It makes me very angry when I read of such things because these people chose to come and live in Britain, supposedly for a better life, and good luck to them. I freely admit that most of them do, but the ‘fly in the ointment’ are the native inhabitants who seem to think that we must do away with all these things so as not to upset them.

Why? I don’t see Muslims on the street demonstrating against Christmas or the use of the words Jesus Christ, so why are they doing it? These misguided people are a blight on modern Britain, and it is time the government took some stern action to put them out of business.

May It Never Be Turned Into A Mosque!

May It Never Be Turned Into A Mosque!

We as a people need to stand up to these misguided idiots and reassert strongly that this is a Christian country and anyone who comes here can take it – or leave it.


PEGIDA – A Force Of Awakening Or A Force Of Evil?

Posted in America, Britain, Christianity, England, European Union, Germany, Immigrants, Islamic Revolution, News, Sharia Law with tags , , , , on 12/02/2015 by floroy1942
Tolerance Versus PEGIDA

Tolerance Versus PEGIDA

Much has been written about the PEGIDA Movement demonstrations in Dresden Germany and now in Sweden. Each one has been met with counter demonstrations calling them Islamophobic, but are they? It is a difficult question to answer, but I believe you have to look at the broader picture to see reality.

Many Europeans are waking up to the sheer number of Muslim people moving to Europe, some as genuine refugees but many as so-called ‘economic’ refugees.

Come One Come All!

Come One Come All!

People living in Middle Eastern countries, Pakistan, and the poorer parts of Africa see Europe as the promised land of opportunity, especially when you consider our lax immigration laws. America on the other hand has strictly controlled immigration.

True, some are fleeing the current wave of violence in Syria, Iraq, and African states, but there are also many who come from further afield just to improve their living standards. Naturally no-one can blame those fleeing violence in their own country or wanting a better life, but some Europeans are beginning to see them as a threat to our way of life due to the sheer numbers.

Escaping The Violence In Syria

Escaping The Violence In Syria

In the last twenty years, Europe has seen a massive rise in the overall population figures caused purely by the influx of non-European immigrants. As previously stated, many are refugees who should have been given temporary residence until the trouble in their homeland is ended, at which time they would be expected to return. But here they have been given permanent residence. Britain alone has accepted hundreds of thousands and it is not alone.

PEGIDA Demonstration In Dresden

PEGIDA Demonstration In Dresden

The PEGIDA demonstrations show that some people at least are beginning to wake up to the danger that mass immigration poses to our way of life, and of course our economy. They have seen many changes in their towns and cities, especially those that have large immigrant populations.

Here in Britain many of them exist purely on benefits given to them by the government, although the rules for receiving these are different from country to country.

E. U. Benefits System BY Country

E. U. Benefits System BY Country

While Britain is extremely generous in this respect, others have more stringent rules. In all cases however, immigrants receive a payout of children’s allowance weekly, and in most countries free health care. With several hundred thousand migrants in the country you can imagine what the annual cost is to the tax payer. This is money that would normally be spent on improving the lot of the indigenous people.

On top of this migrants are taking away jobs that would normally be filled by ethnic Europeans, hence the high unemployment in Europe. This is a problem that will only get worse as more and more come in.

Europe Unemployment Rates

Europe Unemployment Rates

In many countries the virtual colonization of areas in towns and cities across Europe is another problem that anti-Islamophobia demonstrators seem to forget.

Muslim Concentration Areas In Europe

Muslim Concentration Areas In Europe

Instead of spreading out across the country, they have taken over huge parts of towns and cities across the continent, places like Marseille, Brussels, Dortmund, Malmo, and Bradford, Luton and Slough in Britain among others. Even in Sweden, which staged its first PEGIDA rally recently, there are 55 regions spread over various cities like the southern suburbs of Stockholm, for example, Sodertalje, but also Northeast Gothenburg where the police cannot go and where Sharia is enforced.

Muslims Take Over The Streets To Pray

Muslims Take Over The Streets To Pray

Even geographically small Holland has major problems. The top five Muslim problem neighbourhoods are in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The Kolenkit area in Amsterdam is the number one Muslim “problem district” in the country. The next three districts are in Rotterdam – Pendrecht, het Oude Noorden and Bloemhof. The Ondiep district in Utrecht is in the fifth position, followed by Rivierenwijk (Deventer), Spangen (Rotterdam), Oude Westen (Rotterdam), Heechterp/ Schieringen (Leeuwarden) and Noord-Oost (Maastricht). If you look at a map you will see that it is spreading across the country.

In Germany, Chief Police Commissioner Bernhard Witthaut, in an August 1 interview with the newspaper Der Westen, revealed that Muslim immigrants are imposing ‘no-go zones’ in cities across Germany at an alarming rate.

Muslim Sharia Police On The Streets Of London

Muslim Sharia Police On The Streets Of London

This is yet another bone of contention, for in many cities across Europe Muslim law is enforced by Sharia Patrols who roam the streets. The Sharia Laws are in direct contradiction to the law of the land, but are totally ignored by the authorities for fear of appearing racist!

There are places in Britain, and many European cities for example, where it is dangerous for non-immigrants to walk, especially at night. Go to Tower Hamlets in London or areas of Marseille at night when you have had a few drinks and you will most certainly be accosted by a Sharia Law Patrol. Women are attacked for not covering themselves in these Muslim areas.

In Britain The Islamic Emirates Project names the cities of Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, as well as Waltham Forest in north-east London and Tower Hamlets in East London as territories to be targeted for blanket Sharia rule.

So Who Is Slowly Taking Over

So Who Is Slowly Taking Over

As the years go by the very high birthrate among Muslims will begin to take effect. This becomes more obvious when you realize that most Muslim immigrant families have five, six or more children (all for Family Allowance Benefits) while the average European has two. This does not bode well for the future, because in perhaps fifty years time they will outnumber us all and finally take over. Fancy living in Britanistan, Germanistan or Belgianistan?

Another point that not everybody sees is that the governments make no serious effort to stem the tide of immigration. In Britain the Tory Party promised to do so but it has not happened yet. Mind you, it is a difficult task when you consider the stupid dictates that come out of the European Parliament in Brussels.

It is notable that the demonstrations against more immigration started in other countries and not Britain. Tony Blair and his henchmen took care of that when they introduced the Racism Laws at the same time they opened the gates of the country to let everyone in. It is certain that if such a demonstration took place in Britain it would be broken up by the police and with mass arrests, because here it is against the law to say a bad word against immigration or immigrants.

Muslim Demonstration With Police Escort

Muslim Demonstration With Police Escort

This law does not affect Muslims demonstrating as you can see on many streets in Britain with their placards of hate. The crazy thing is, when they demonstrate they get a police escort, while any Brit gets arrested for even saying anything against them out loud.

These PEGIDA demonstrations are quite possibly the tip of the iceberg because as more people wake up to what is happening in Europe they could possibly expand and become widespread. It is certain that mass demonstrations across Europe will be a wake up call to our politicians.

Anti-PEGIDA Demonstration

Anti-PEGIDA Demonstration

It is however clear from the number of people who are taking part in the ‘anti-Islamophobia’ demonstrations that they are either blind to the dangers of Islam, or are totally ignorant of the facts. It is inevitable that at some time in the future they will eventually learn as the influence of Islam becomes more noticeable in their every day lives.

World history shows us that when the number of Muslim immigrants versus the indigenous population is at 1% they blend in and respect the laws of their adopted country. However, when the level reaches around 3 to 5%, they begin influencing the day to day lives of the people and exerting pressure on non-Muslims to convert. They will demand the introduction of halal food in supermarkets and schools etc.

When levels reach 10% they become much more active with riots when they are offended, and demands for Sharia law in their efforts to gain effective control. This has happened in many countries across the world and is currently happening in Britain today.

Burning Church

Burning Church

By 20% we can expect to see Jihad militia’s coupled with sporadic killings and church and synagogue burnings. Once they reach 40% of the population we can expect to see widespread massacres coupled with on-going militia warfare.

The above information was compiled by Dr. Peter Hammond in his book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam. Suffice it to say that this information has been borne out by actual events in countries around the world. Perhaps some of  our anti-Islamophobia demonstrators should read this man’s book.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan

Many years ago when he was President of the USA President Reagan is quoted as saying: “I don’t think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies.”

This quote should be a warning to the American people also, for they too are going down the same road as Europe but at a much slower pace. However, in future years the effects will be seen as the number of Muslims in the country inevitably rise.

Even so long ago the warnings were there but we continued to ignore them. Now we can ignore them no longer.
