Archive for Gordon Brown

At Last, Labour Come Clean On Further Immigration!

Posted in Benefits, Britain, Conservative Party, Elections, England, Immigrants, News, Politics, UK with tags , , , on 24/08/2013 by floroy1942

It has at last become clear that Labour has no intention of restricting the massive influx of immigrants that began when Tony Blair came to power, and was perpetuated by Gordon Brown. In fact they wish to continue it!

The Sign Says: Labour - Britain's Progressive Future. Yea Right!

The Sign Says: Labour – Britain’s Progressive Future. Yea Right! Believe That And You’ll Believe Anything.

During an interview today on a Labour-supporting website, the Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbot said quite plainly that Britain needs more immigrants, strange as that may sound. Just about everyone in the country, except of course for the immigrants already here, are dead set against any more coming here for a free ride on the NHS, Housing and Benefits System, and so they should be. After all, it is tax payers money!

To me this woman is stark raving mad if she seriously thinks we need even more immigrants, we have far too many as it is. Really, what planet does she live on? Certainly not this one. So it goes without saying that anyone who votes for Labour at the next election must be a raving nutter, or an immigrant.

Because of the huge influx of hundreds of thousands of them during the last Labour government the NHS is close to collapse, the Benefits System is haemorrhaging money it does not have, our schools are turning multi-national to the detriment of our children, and there is not enough housing to go around, so what is this crazy woman playing at?

Perhaps she wants to see all born and bred Brits emigrate to Australia or New Zealand or wherever so Labour can forever rule a country with only immigrants as its population. Believe it or not, but this crazy woman was once a contender for leadership of the Labour Party!

During the interview she said,  “I’ve spoken to Ed Miliband about this quite a bit. I know that, on this issue, Ed’s heart is in the right place and he’s trying hard to position us correctly. What weighs with him is the polling, which shows what the Tories are doing on immigration is popular. And it certainly weighs on other members of the shadow cabinet.”

To anyone but an idiot there is a very strong sign of public opinion, and what the people want from their government,  after all, they are supposed to be running the country in our name are they not? Most British born people are fed up with the mass influx of immigrants, but if you look at the opinions of senior Labour MP’s, they do not care what ‘the people’ think, and once they are elected will go their own way like they did last time. Then they brought the country to the brink of disaster, and I think if they get in again they will surely push us over the edge.

All I can say is thank God for the Conservatives, they are a long way from being perfect, but at least they are respecting the people’s wishes and doing something positive about the problem, and we should all be grateful for that. It will take time, because mass immigration is not something you can turn off like a tap, but I am sure they will come through in the end.

Nigel Farage. I Too Would Be Laughing If It Wasn't So Serious!

Nigel Farage. I Too Would Be Laughing If It Wasn’t So Serious!

The leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage said of the outburst, “Mr Miliband’s recent conversion to some form of immigration control is entirely a response to the opinion polls. It is transparent that neither his nor his party’s heart is in it.” Well said Mr Farage!

An anonymous senior Labour person said, “Ed understands the positive contrib­ution immigration made to this country. He also recognises it can affect public services and employment. We have to address those concerns.” Positive contribution???? You must be joking pal, I doubt if your view is held by the million or so youth who cannot find a job because they have all been taken by immigrants who are willing to work for much less. I doubt if your view is held by all those on the waiting list for housing because the bloody immigrants jump the queue. I doubt if your view is held by the millions who must wait for hours in hospitals and doctor’s surgeries while he/she attends to the immigrants.

Why is it that some of our schools now have to invest in translation computer programmes so that immigrant children can translate their questions and the teachers answers because they don’t speak a word of English? Can you imagine being a British child waiting for five minutes every time an immigrant child wants to ask a question. What is this doing for our education standards? Immigrant children should not be allowed in our schools until they can pass an exam in spoken and written English and only then will they not disrupt and sabotage the education of British kids. Its all part of immigrations positive contribution, right?

I cannot believe that any political party that can, and does, form the government of a country can be so irresponsible, but there again, we know Labour can, they proved that the last time they were in power. All I can say is God help us all if they ever get back in!


Why Does Britain Give So Many Handouts To Immigrants?

Posted in Britain, England, Government Spending, Immigrants, UK with tags , , on 21/01/2012 by floroy1942

As everyone knows, money is tight, and yet the British government gives it away to far too many people who step foot on our shores. A government report out yesterday estimates the proportion of foreign-born people who are claiming working-age benefits in the UK, and the results are quite surprising.

It states that in February 2011, some 5.5m people in the UK were receiving working-age benefits which is far too many, but of this total some 371,000 (6.4%) were foreign nationals. From the report it would appear that some 17% of all British nationals are receiving these benefit payments, while around 7% were not nationals.

Long Lines At Immigration

The report lists working-age benefits to include  income support, job seeker’s allowance, carer’s allowance and disability living allowance.

The despicable thing about the whole business is that many, although not all, are entitled to these benefits from the moment they land in the UK. We should erect huge billboards all across the world saying: “Come to Britain and live for free!”

We are not only talking about European countries, but anywhere in the world. Its no wonder the country is undergoing such economic chaos when we are giving away handfuls of money to what is being termed ‘Benefit Tourists’.

Britain should be like other countries in Europe and the west and not allow any payments to those who arrive on our shores lining up for free handouts. In most other countries like Germany you have to be in the country for a certain period before you are even eligible. If people cannot support themselves when they arrive they should be shown the nearest departure gate at the airport. There are many who turn up at the airport with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and expect the British tax payer to provide everything. In today’s economic climate this is no longer acceptable.

Long Lines At The Benefits Office

Before the short-sighted individuals among us start blaming the government, they should remember this is a Labour legacy that the current coalition is trying to end. Its no good blaming Cameron and his cronies for all this because they have been left a mess they are only now beginning to understand as the facts come out.

The report has been cited as misleading by some, but no-one can deny that immigrants who arrive here are being given far too much when they have not had the chance to earn it. Most British nationals have at least paid into the system at some time and should be looked after first, but why an immigrant should be given the same rights before they have paid anything into the system is beyond me.

Cameron and Co have promised to reduce the annual immigration figures to less than 100,000 by the end of this parliament and I wish them luck. As a first step they should stop all these payments to ‘economic tourists’.

This Duo Did More Damage To Britain Than Hitler

Many blame the banking crisis for the state of the economy, but in truth we should look more at the shenanigans of that idiot Blair and his cohort Brown who launched the ‘Multi-Cultural’ Britain fiasco and started giving away billions of pounds a year to every immigrant who turned up on the doorstep looking for a hand-out.

The really sad thing is, many of the electorate are so utterly blind (or just plain stupid) they blame the present government for our current troubles and have conveniently forgotten who created this mess in the first place.


Illiteracy And The Internet

Posted in Benefits, Britain, Children, England, English Schools, Government, Immigration, Insanity, MP's, Primary Education, Primary Schools, Teens, UK with tags , , , , , , , , on 14/07/2011 by floroy1942

For many years companies have complained about the poor levels of reading, writing, and numeracy among our young people seeking work. Most are nowadays considered totally unemployable for all but the most mundane of tasks.

Charles Duncombe

Now a major ‘online’ entrepreneur has added his ten cents worth, and I believe it hammers home the message. Mr. Charles Duncombe, who is director of Just Say Please Group, has come forward to say that the low levels of literacy in the UK are now hitting the web-based sales market to the tune of millions of pounds a year.

He said:”I know that industry bemoaning the education system is nothing new, but it is becoming more and more of a problem with more companies going online. This is because when you sell or communicate on the internet 99% of the time it is done by the written word.”

At Least Dorothy Perkins Hires Semi-Literates

According to him, the problem is bad spelling on websites that put off potential customers who may think the site is bogus or untrustworthy. When recruiting staff for his company he was “shocked at the poor quality of written english“.

Giving an example of the impact on internet sales, he had measured sales per visitor on his ‘’ site and found sales jumped significantly after a spelling mistake had been corrected. He said: “If you project this across the whole of internet retail then millions of pounds worth of business is probably being lost each week due to simple spelling mistakes,”

If You Don’t Know, There’s No Point In Telling You. Duh!

Mr. Duncombe was astounded at the poor levels of spelling and grammar from both school and university graduates. When writing a curriculum some even used ‘text speak’ (i.e. replacing the word ‘for’ with 4 for example). He went on to say that given a simple spelling test, most were hopelessly inadequate without access to a computer spellchecker.

Even our last Prime Minister was afflicted. Gordon Brown was a notoriously poor writer, due supposedly to his bad eyesight. In a letter to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan he made several mistakes which led to arguments over who should check his correspondence before it was sent.

The CBI’s head of education and skills, James Fothergill,  echoed Charles Duncombe’s statement by saying, ‘he was shocked at the number of companies who feel it necessary to give extra literacy classes to potential recruits just to get them up to the required level of competence. He said:  “Our recent research shows that 42% of employers are not satisfied with the basic reading and writing skills of school and college leavers and almost half have had to invest in remedial training to get their staff’s skills up-to-scratch”.

It looks very much like this will be the pattern in the future for UK companies, and it will not end until the education system is sorted out. It is not necessarily the fault of the youth themselves, for they have been let down badly by the education system as a whole, which has steadily declined in excellence since the 1950’s. Now, even the teachers could not pass an old-style exam for literacy and numeracy. It’s the blind leading the blind!

Says It All Really!

When you consider that over a hundred years ago this country began the Industrial Revolution, and fifty years ago we had the best scientists in the world, today’s picture is more than grim. Both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have much to answer for, for there is little doubt they have destroyed the very foundations of our country (i.e our education system) by turning the majority of people into semi-literates with no prospect of decent employment.

The Dole Queue-The Future For Britain’s Dumb Youth

This is already starting to impact our Benefits System with an ever-increasing number of young people on the dole, and it will get worse until it becomes unsustainable.

From now on it looks like the United Kingdom will have to rely on immigrants for brains!


Crackdown On Incapacity Benefits – About Damn Time!

Posted in Benefits, Britain, Budget Cuts, Demonstration, England, Equality, Government, Government Spending, Health, Human Rights, Justice, MP's, Parliament, Theft, UK with tags , , , , , , , , , on 05/04/2011 by floroy1942

At last we may have a government with the balls (Not Ed) to tackle a scandal that has been going on for years, that of false incapacity claimants. Currently the number of people claiming this benefit is approximately 3.2 million of the workforce (i.e. 1 in 10), and a high percentage of them are completely false or only partially true.

Benefit Fraud - What Benefit Fraud?

It seems that during the Labour years no-one was checking up on these people to find out their real situation. No surprise there!

Illegal incapacity benefit payments are costing the honest citizens of our country billions every year. I ask you, what other country in the world has 10% of its workforce incapacitated? Its ridiculous!  

It seems that until now no-one was prepared to do much about it, so don’t whine because the Tory/Liberal Coalition is trying to do something about it. At least they have the guts to tackle this major drain on government resources, unlike their predecessors!

Shashi Bacheta, 52, And Jeffrey Cole, 58, Why Should They Enjoy A Life In The Sun At Your Expense?

With the entire benefits system in such a mess, it has been easy for people to bamboozle their way into a free and easy life where they do not have to lift a finger to help themselves. From incapacity benefits to children’s allowance, from unemployment benefit to housing allowance everybody is at it, and the system is so broken that just about anybody can get themselves a free ride through life.

You Are Missing The Point!

Its no wonder the TUC had such a good turnout for their demonstration last week, these people have never had it so good and of course they don’t want things to change! At the odd times Labour has seen fit to carry out checks they have caught incapacity benefit cheats every time. The present government estimate is that there are at least half-a-million people drawing full benefit but are able to do at least some form of work. Now if that doesn’t get your attention nothing will!

The government is attempting to reduce the number of claimants in a programme that will go on until 2014, and I say good luck to them. It is at least a decade overdue that these parasites were exposed and put to work.

Yes Well - Don't Forget The 'Parasites' YOU Support!

Why, as an honest person who pays their taxes regularly, should you foot the bill to provide these people with a lifestyle that in some cases is better than your own? 

It is time for the honest citizen to demonstrate in favour of the government crackdown on these lowlifes. Let your voices be heard and get these people earning an honest living like the rest of us!

It just goes to show how easy it is for people to fool the system when we had such an unprincipled government like the last one.


Miliband Sings The Labour Song At The London Demo!

Posted in Benefits, Britain, Budget Cuts, Demonstration, Elections, England, English Schools, Government, Government Spending, Health, Immigrants, MP's, Parliament, UK with tags , , , , , , , , on 27/03/2011 by floroy1942

I never cease to be amazed at the gullibility of the British voting public. An estimated 400,000 people came out in London yesterday to protest at the government cuts to services, and once again a labour leader sang the same old song of labour virtue. This time it was Ed Miliband who told the crowd that Labour was with them and the government was wrong. From the cheers it would seem everyone has forgotten already that it was Labour that got us into this mess in the first place.

Empty Pockets!

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should know that you cannot spend money you haven’t got without eventually having to pay for it. That is exactly what Labour did during their period in power and now its time to pay the piper. It’s always the same old story in British politics where one government spends like there is no tomorrow just to be popular with the voters, and when the next one comes along and tries to sort out the mess they are labelled the bad guys!

Two Men With A Big Headache

I can guess that at the next election everyone will vote Labour and bring in another spending spree that we cannot afford, and once again the Conservatives will be caned for trying to sort out the mess. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Conservative, I owe allegiance to no political party, but it seems to me that every time Labour goes off the rails the Tories have to try the impossible, i.e. clean up the mess and still get re-elected. 

Protest Video:

Whoever has to clean up the economic debacle that is Labour’s legacy will have a rough ride, even more so at this time in our history because of the recession following the banking crisis. Without doubt, unpopular decisions will have to be made, and it is certain that if we as a country wish to survive this period, we will all have to tighten our belts. I am sure the Cameron/Clegg duo will do their best, but the problem is huge, make no mistake!

For more than a decade Labour were throwing money right left and centre in their efforts to remain in power, and they succeeded. Now we have to pay for it.

TUC Poster

The biggest mistake they made, was to try and turn our country into a multicultural society by bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year, all of whom were given handouts for everything from food to extravagant housing, all paid for by the tax payer. And what about all the extra expenses incurred by local government services in an effort to find them all housing, food and jobs?

As we have found out over the years, multiculturalism doesn’t work! All it has done is put a massive burden on the tax payer and driven the country into debt. Who can guess how many tens of billions were thrown away on this futile plan which is still costing us dearly, even today? 

The banking crisis was another thing that cost us dear. The writing was on the wall for all to see ahead of time, but unfortunately ‘Jolly’ Gordon Brown had forgotten how to read!!!

What the people of Britain seem to forget is that it is not the current governments fault we are having to take such measures, it is the likes of the that idiot Miliband who so enjoyed playing to the crowd yesterday.

Miliband Speech to the crowd:

"So How Are You Going To Fix Things Ed?" "Er....Pass".

I, as well as several commentators, picked up on the fact that while the ‘Labour cockerel’ was crowing, he was careful not to mention how Labour would handle the crisis if they were in power. But there again, at times like these they never have! All he could say was ‘they would spread the recovery over more years’. For that you can read: they would go back to their old ways and never get it sorted.

It is unfortunate there is a necessity of some urgency in getting the economy back on its feet, for the longer we flounder in the deep end, the harder it is to climb out. Something ‘Dear Eddie’ needs to learn.

I will be the first to agree that the government does not have everything right, and there may be better ways of getting the economy back on its feet, but you have to admit, that our various social services are huge money wasters, and always have been.

Successive governments have been pouring money into our education system, but the kids just leave school dumber. They pour money into the national health system and more patients contract deadly illnesses in hospital than ever before. They pour money into social services and we now have entire families that have lived their whole lives on welfare of one kind or another. Unfortunately, these are problems that take time to tackle, but the government needs swift action to get things back on track before things get worse.

"Yes! I did say no more boom and bust, and I meant it!"

If the British voter was to take a dispassionate look at the situation as a whole, I would hope they could see that the current measures are necessary and it is far better to have one or two years of austerity so that growth can begin, rather than the Labour alternative of more of the same! Labour will never solve the current crisis, because in the past they never have, and what is more, they never will! What was Gordon Brown’s proud boast when he was Chancellor: No more boom and bust! Well, this time Labour ‘bust’ us as never before!

Gordon Brown on ‘Boom and Bust”:

Tighten your belts a notch people and let the government do its job before its too late. Give them a chance to go after the free-loaders and parasites that live off the backs of hard working people. I am sure they will also ween out all the money-wasting problems in national and local government if we give them a chance. It all takes time!


The UK Education System Just Got Worse (If that’s possible).

Posted in Britain, Child Discipline, Children, England, English Schools, Government, Immigrants, Modern World, MP's, Parenting, Parliament, Political Correctness, Primary Education, Primary Schools, Religion, Teen Violence, Teens, UK, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on 09/12/2010 by floroy1942


The system of education in Britain has been declining for years, so it is no big surprise that it fell from 17th position to 25th in world rankings in the last OECD survey completed in 2006.

It is no secret that today an estimated 4 out of 5 children in the UK cannot read or write correctly when they leave school. For a few moments, take the time to look at news items on the web and read comments on articles sent in by members of the public (A mild example: “OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a big fat joke wot the hell is this county getting like???”). It’s probably true that some reading this blog will find nothing wrong with this comment. Among a fair majority, the standard of written English is abysmal to say the least.

Is this an indictment of the government, the education system, the children, or their parents? To me it is more likely a combination of them all, but with some more prominent than others.

The 'Iron Lady'

Let us take first the government. Ever since Maggie Thatcher left the Whitehall ‘throne’ there has been a steadily increasing number of budget cuts to education. All the school playing fields, where children got their daily exercise through sport, have been sold off for urban development due to government cost-cutting. This is part of the reason why we have so many obese children today. Many school buildings have been declared ‘unfit for purpose’ due to an increasing lack of money for maintenance, and as for building new schools, forget it!

The Devious Duo

The education system itself has not fared any better. Since Labour came to power under Tony Blair, we have seen a continual lowering of the pass levels by way of making exam questions easier in school examinations (2+2 =? Select one of the following: 4, 4, 4, 4). This was the Labour governments answer to falling pass rates among pupils. Typical of the idiots we called a government; if insufficient people cannot get over the barrier, then lower it. It was a quick and easy fix which compensated for an inefficient education system, poor teaching methods, and made them look good.

It is also a sad fact that the national curriculum, as well as exams, have been greatly modified (or toned down if you wish), to accomodate the ever increasing number of immigrants that entered our schools during the Blair era. Instead of requiring immigrant children to learn english, we are now teaching in their language in some schools, causing disruption and chaos. It is just another indication of how we are pandering to the ever increasing demands of immigrants instead of insisting they adopt to our ways.

Generally speaking, teachers today are of a very poor standard with insufficient knowledge to teach properly without a teaching guide in front of them. This is in part due to indifferent teacher training, and in part to the significant lowering of standards over the years.

That standards have dropped, no-one in their right minds can deny.

It is also sad to note that many of the subjects I took as a boy, like history, geography and religion are ‘skimmed-over’, or no longer taught for they have become irrelevant in today’s ‘modern society’.

But history is the backbone of  patriotism, and because we no longer teach children the rich history of our nation, the only thing that brings out our patriotic spirit is football. A very poor substitute.

Ask kids today where Malawi is and they have never heard of it, unless it was on the TV for some reason. Religion is all but dying out among the young people of Britain today to the extent that many no longer consider it necessary to get married, even when they have a child. Once the old people are gone the church and its teachings will probably die a slow death.

To many, teaching is no longer a ‘calling’ but just a job, and this is evident in the fact that many teachers today do little more than recite from the lesson material rather than have a deep knowledge of the subject themselves. I call it parrot training!

As I say all this, I do realise that it does not apply to all, and there are still dedicated teachers out there who do their level best for the students in their charge, within the constraints of the insanity that governs British schools that is.

Another  major contributing factor is the removal of all forms of discipline a teacher may use against disruptive pupils. Gone are the days when you could be sent to the headmaster’s office for ‘six-of-the-best’ with the cane if you misbehaved, now a teacher has to put up with not only verbal abuse, but also physical violence from pupils. It was claimed recently that as many as 4 out of 5 teachers had been assaulted by their pupils at some time or another.

This brings us to the children themselves. Over the past three generations or so children have become more assertive and aggressive, a fact attributable to the steady erosion of all forms of discipline brought about by the ‘elf & safety’ and ‘uman rights’ groups that infest modern life. These self-righteous individuals have become the plague of our times, but to date, no government has had the balls to put them in their place, instead they have pampered them.

Caring Parents - Not Always!

In my opinion, the parents are also to blame for the lack of proper education in that many, if not most, do not have time or inclination to become involved in their off-springs education. Ask many and you will get the reply: “That’s wot schools are 4”!

These people do not realise that they also bear responsibility for their children’s learning by making sure they grow up as responsible human beings and have respect for their teachers and all others. If there is no discipline in the home how can there be any in school!

A Once Proud Nation

There is little doubt that the British have declined so far in stature from the days of empire, that we have become the laughing stock of most countries in the world. It is time to turn our efforts inward and stop trying to impress the rest of the world while we sort out the mess that has become Not So’ Great Britain.

Unless radical action is taken to restore high standards of teaching, discipline in schools, and respect among the young, we will soon find ourselves lower on the international education table than the poorest African states.

What makes it really sad, is that sometime in the not too distant future there will be no skilled English workforce if the education standards are not improved. In such a case we, the British, will be relying on immigrants to fill skilled jobs because our own people are fit only as unskilled labour. That may sound like an exaggeration, but who is to say it is impossible. We constantly ‘import’ skilled labour in some sectors already.

It will take a government with balls to carry out such radical change in thinking and practice within our education system. The problem is, how long will we have to wait before one comes along?


Great Britain – No! Barmy Britain

Posted in Britain, Children, England, English Schools, Immigrants, Immigration, Insanity, Modern World, Primary Education, Primary Schools, UK with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 07/07/2010 by floroy1942

If you were never quite sure if the British were really barmy, then confirmation has just arrived.

Manor Park Pupils

Manor Park Primary School in Aston, Birmingham has just bought 230 of its children a translation computer because 60% of the 364 pupils attending the school cannot speak English.

The school has been flooded with immigrant children who do not speak a word of English, and are unable to communicate with their teachers or other pupils, hence this dramatic step. The school pays an annual bill of £700 for the software which of course comes from everyone’s taxes. Comments on the article, which appeared in the Mail Online are to say the least not very complimentary.

Ethnic Pupils in English Schools

Most people have the same opinion as I; if these children cannot speak English they have no right to be in an English school. English schools are for English speaking children and should not pamper to the mass of immigrants that are flooding into the country.

During the many years I lived in Holland free language schools had been set up by the government for immigrants to learn the Dutch language, and thus help them integrate into Dutch society. This is also true of other European nations. My own wife went to such a school and within a few weeks could speak very good Dutch.

So why has such a system not been introduced into England?

In my opinion it should be a requirement for all immigrants to attend free classes set up by the government to teach them the basics of the English language before they can apply for a job, or in the case of children, go to school.

Translation Programme at work

At the Manor Park School children communicate with their teacher and other pupils by typing into the translation computer which has 25 different languages in the software.

But I have to ask, how can a teacher successfully teach a class when every word he/she utters must go through a translation programme (95% accuracy)so the children can understand what he/she is saying. The reverse is true of course, for the pupils must also type into the computer any questions they have for the teacher.

It must be obvious to anyone that this is not fair to those 40 or so percent who are, or do speak English because they are substantially held back by the sixty or so percent that do not.

Jason Smith Head Teacher

Head Teacher Jason Smith has described the system as an invaluable tool rather than a replacement for teaching English, but to my mind, it will not give children from immigrant backgrounds the incentive to learn the language, especially when their parents show no inclination to learn it either.

This is one of the main reasons why immigrants from whatever country tend to live in close communities which gives them the feeling they are still living on their ‘home soil’ even if it is in a foreign land.

Architects of Multi-Cultural Britain

It was the great plan of the New Labour Party, with the traitors Tony Blair and Co. who decided unilaterally to turn Britain into a multi-cultural society, but look at the mess we are in now.

Is the country soon to be broken up into diverse cultures and languages with the great majority of the population not being able to communicate among themselves?

This sort of pampering to immigrants must stop NOW before the clock is turned back 3,000 years and the country disintegrates into tribes once again.

The latest figures from the Education Department show that a total of 910,610 pupils in English schools do not have English as their first language, an increase of 42,750 over 2009.

Tower Hamlets - Muslim Enclave

In the Tower Hamlets Borough of London, a Muslim enclave, 78% of the inhabitants have little or no English, the highest in the UK, and the sad thing is, they don’t care, and don’t wish to learn the language of their adopted country.

This in itself is a scandal and should not be tolerated by ethnic Britons or the British government. Every foreign child and foreign born parent MUST be made to learn the language of the country they have chosen to live in, OR LEAVE! It’s as simple as that, otherwise the whole fabric of the English nation will at some time in the future be torn apart. I know I am far from alone in my opinions, for very many people in Britain feel the same and it is certain that at some time in the future there will be a reckoning such as the world has never seen.

Other European countries, and especially America, would do well to heed the warning of what is happening in Britain today, for some day they will find themselves in the same boat unless appropriate action is taken.


Election Debacle

Posted in Britain, Elections, England, English Schools, Immigrants, Justice, MP's, Parliament, Prison, UK, United Nations with tags , , , , , , , , , on 07/05/2010 by floroy1942

So the wait is finally over, and Britain takes another firm step towards oblivion.

Even the election was poorly organized, with complaints from tens of thousands of people across the country who said the polling stations closed their doors at 10pm and they were not allowed to vote, even after queuing for hours. We have now sunk so low we cannot even organize an election properly.  This has never happened before.

The fact that Britain now has a hung parliament with no one party having a clear majority, means we will see in the coming weeks bitter haggling between the three parties as each vie for a share of power.

The major problem is, there is not a single party capable of running the country as it should be. Each successive government plunges our land deeper into crisis, none more so than Labour over the past thirteen years. Single-handedly, they have sabotaged our nation, and the opposition has done nothing to stop it.

They have given away the traditions and culture that made us proud and respected across the globe, and turned us into a pariah state, a melting pot of cultures, whilst at the same time driving us into debt by handing out money by the truckload to parasites and immigrants like confetti at a wedding.

Let me ask you a question: In what other country will you find an immigrant family living in a £2.6m mansion paid for by Social Services i.e. the taxpayer? I am sure you will not be able to give me an answer.

Another question: Name me any country where people can receive up to £30,000 a year for NOT working? Along with this of course goes a house, furniture, computers for the children etc., all paid for by the taxpayer. Again, I don’t think you will be able to give me a positive answer.

But all this is possible in Britain! Why?

The nation has been sold out in worship of continued power, and the voter is just as much to blame as the government, because Labour was voted back in time after time.

Now come the hard questions; What should we expect from the new coalition to get things back on track? A difficult one, with many facets.

I believe the first thing to do is ‘SHUT THE DOOR’ to all new immigrants! Secondly, we must SLASH the Social Services Budget so that only the really needy get help, and then at a minimum level to sustain them. Parasites (i.e. work-shy and those feigning disability) should have all their payments stopped and be forced to EARN their living and contribute to the system.

Steps must also be taken to get rid of the ‘Goody-Goody’ Brigade from their seats of power, which they have used to sabotage our traditions, culture and justice system for far too long.

Immigrants should be made to realise they live in OUR country and must conform to our laws and our way of life. This means no mosques, no veils, no arranged marriages, no Islāmic demonstrations and NO Sharia Law. If they cannot respect our way of life while practising thier own faith they should leave for a Muslim country.

Harsh measures must be taken to resolve the current disasters we call Justice, the NHS, and our Education systems. How do we do that? As follows!

First we need more prisons, secondly we need sentences that fit the crime without the opportunity of early release. We need prisoners to wear a penal uniform and perform hardlabour during their incarceration. We need the return of the death penalty for pre-meditated murder, and serial paedophiles and rapists should be castrated. Only by putting the fear of God into criminals will we ever stop the crime that rules our daily lives.

Our government must take the steps necessary to stop the spiralling cycle of violence, and to hell with the UN, Amnesty International and all the other ‘Goody-Goody’ Brigades. We can take another look at international conventions once we have things back under control.

So far as the NHS is concerned, it is time to kick out these useless self-serving administrators from our hospitals and go back to the ‘Matron’ system, where wards and nurses were controlled by senior nursing staff with a complete understanding of what is required. Kick out all the contract cleaning companies and have dedicated cleaning staff in every hospital as it used to be.

When this system was in place decades ago there was no such thing as patients catching life threatening diseases IN the hospital.

The education system also needs to return to the old standards of excellence, with major improvements in the standard of teaching, the national curriculum, and a much-needed return to classroom discipline.

The next question is, which of the parties is strong, and committed enough, to do this? The answer is; None!

The most important thing for politicians today is to stay in power, not do what is good for the country and its people.

Many analysts predict Europe is heading for financial meltdown with the economic crisis in Greece, the UK, Portugal and Spain. These same analysts are forecasting Britain will have a bigger budget deficit than Greece in the coming year, with all the problems associated with it. So it is clear that whichever coalition comes to power, they will have a monumental task ahead of them.

Will they be up to the task? I think not! We will return to the favourite British pastime of the blind leading the blind!


Is There a Place For the Christian Religion in Gordon’s Britain?

Posted in Britain, Christianity, Demonstration, England, Homosexuals, Immigration, Islamic Revolution, Modern World, MP's, Muslim, Parliament, UK with tags , , , , , , , on 06/04/2010 by floroy1942

Gordon Brown the Pious!

This week has seen hypocrisy rise to new heights even by Labour standards. For centuries politicians have lied, cheated, and promised the impossible to get re-elected, and Gordon Brown it appears, is no exception. He used an Easter speech to claim that New Labour were the ‘Good Samaritans’ and the christian religion was the ‘conscience of our country’.

This comes from the leader of a government that has steadfastly eroded christian values and principles over the last 13 years, and turned christians into second class citizens in a christian nation. He and his cronies have consistently side-lined the christian faith in favour of Muslims and homosexuals in a scandalous attempt to woo these people into voting for them.

It was not enough to destroy the principle of christian marriage by allowing deviants to ‘marry’, but also to promote the rights of Muslims over christians in our society.

It has reached the stage where even the wearing of a crucifix as a sign of your faith is punished by the courts because you are making a statement that could be ‘offensive’ to Muslims. People have been threatened with losing their jobs for wearing them, and in the case of two nurses, even for offering to pray for very sick patients.

Homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples are currently allowed to ‘marry’ in a civil ceremony and even adopt children under British Law, but now, with Harriet Harman’s Equality Bill, priests have been put in the firing line because they could now be prosecuted under the Bill for

Reverend Carey

refusing to ‘marry’ same-sex couples in a Church of God. Recently, many prominent members of the Catholic Church and Church of England have accused the government publicly of side-lining christianity in Britain today. They are  not wrong.

It all makes you wonder how even an idiot like Gordon Brown could have the gall to proclaim that New Labour is ‘the Good Samaritan’? With the insidious destruction of faith, the mounting crime, illiteracy and poverty, even he should realise by now that he is ‘reigning’ over Sodem and Gommorah, but no, he either does not want to see it, or is too stupid to realise what he and his party are doing to the fabric of our nation.

Canterbury Cathedral

Britain has been a christian nation for almost two thousand years, but this is in the process of being destroyed by a single government with no conscience, within a decade. It makes me wonder if the UK’s politicians are even british, for no government could utterly destroy that which has stood for more than a thousand years and say they ‘serve the british people’. This great nation, that once stood above all others in the world, that has not been successfully invaded since 1066, that discovered much of the known world and introduced the Industrial Revolution is now on its knees, and is about to be handed over to an immigrant population lock, stock and barrel.

The sad part is, the british people have sat idly by and watched it happen, even condoning it by re-electing these crooks back into power time and again.

How long can this desecration of our traditions, morals and standards continue before people wake up and demand we return to the values we once held so dear?

There is a small indication that maybe the british people are beginning to wake up to the threat posed by the islamification of our country when a demonstration took place yesterday against plans to build a mosque in Dudley the West Midlands.

EDL Supporter

It would appear that after disgraceful protests by a group of Muslims during the return of some of our Afghanistan troops to Luton a year ago, a new body was formed called the English Defence League (EDL). Yesterday 2,000 members demonstrated at the site of a planned mosque in Dudley in reply to a 1,500 strong demonstration by the Unite Against Fascism group (UAF). It would appear from news

UAF Supporters

reports that scuffles broke out when police tried to ‘corral’ the demonstrators. While I do not condone violence of any type, it does appear at least some members of the british population are waking up to the threat posed by the increasing Islamization of our country. It is perhaps a small beginning to the british people taking back their country.

Who knows? Maybe this is only the tip of the iceberg and our streets will see an increase in anti-Islam demonstrations in the future as Muslim influence increases. There may yet be ‘blood in the streets’ of Britain, words incorrectly attributed to Enoch Powell in reference to his famous parliamentary speech of so many years ago. The british people have always been slow to react to danger, but when they do, nothing can stop them, as Hitler found out in WW2.

My only prayer is that it is not already too late, thanks to the traitorous actions of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and the Labour party.


Age Challenged (politically correct) Exodus

Posted in Britain, England, Immigrants, Modern World, Old Age Pensioner, Senior Citizen, Spain, Teen alcohol abuse, Teen Violence, Teens, Travel, UK with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 06/03/2010 by floroy1942

Good-bye Britain

It would seem those with the most common sense, and can afford it, are leaving Britain in droves. And why not? Statistics published today by the Home Office reveal that people over the age of 55 are emigrating as fast as they can get their bags packed. The main reasons are, fear of crime (but Gordon said…….), the weather, and the ‘creaking economy’. The Home Office graph shows the sharp rise in emigration since Labour came to power. No surprises there!

Only this last week Gordon Brown was castigating the Conservative Party for stoking people’s fear of crime in an effort to win the election. According to our erstwhile ‘I’m in touch with the people’ Prime Minister, this was all a pack of lies! Could it be then that all the emigrants are Tory voters who were conned by David Cameron?

Drunken Violence

Take a walk through the centre of any town or city of a Saturday evening if you dare. The drunken teenager culture so prevalent in English life today means you will more likely end up in the casualty department of your local hospital rather than back at home. When you consider that you are not even safe in your own home there has to be a point when people say enough is enough! But not to worry folks, it’s all Tory propaganda!

English Winter

No-one can fault people for wanting to get away from today’s dull, grey and wet English weather and exchange it for a life in the sun, you would be mad if you loved English weather! Like me, most over 50’s will remember when summer’s were real. First the awakening of Mother Nature after her winter sleep with the woods (we had them then) carpeted with snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells, followed by three months of balmy warm weather slowly moving into autumn and harvest time as the leaves turned all colours of brown. Not any more, climate change has taken care of that. Now the British people, and others, are faced with major storms, snow and ice, and not to forget the annual flooding that has become a main feature of English weather.

Spanish Winter

As far as the ‘creaking economy’ is concerned, life must surely be better somewhere else. Gordon Brown, along with the aid of the bankers, has driven the country into debt to the tune of billions of pounds, and its anybody’s guess as to when the economy will recover. But immigrants are still given thousands of pounds in handouts which they should not be entitled to (some to pay for the £2 million houses they are living in) just so Labour has their votes.

John Bull

Quite rightly, most people in this age group feel that Britain has lost its national identity and is unrecognisable from the country they grew up in. They have seen the gradual erosion of the British way of life, sucked out by the Labour Party since it came to power. In those far off days crime was so low that it wasn’t even necessary to lock your door when you went away on holiday. My grandparents never did, but try that today and you will find your house empty when you return.

The Home Office figures reveal that a staggering 42% of people over 55 wish to leave for sunnier climes, and 38% hope to do it in the next 5 years. The most favoured places for ex-pats are France, Spain and Cyprus, with many considering, or have moved to, Australia and New Zealand. It is certain that the unexpectedly high exodus of the moment is but a drop in the ocean compared to what it will be in five to ten years time. By then I fully expect the percentages to increase dramatically as people get so fed up with it all they do not even wait for retirement.

It all goes to prove that this once mighty and proud nation is finished. Ethnic Britons might just as well get out and leave the land to the immigrants and their ‘masters’, the Labour Party. History has shown that the glory of any nation is but transitory, and now it is the turn of Britain.

Last One? Turn Out the Lights!

I once joked, ‘Will the last Englishman to leave the country please turn out the lights’. Little did I realise the time for ‘lights out’ was so close. Sometime within the next twenty years the immigrant population in the UK will be high enough for them to take over completely and when that time comes I can see a mad scramble for the boats.

There will be many who think I am mad because of my views, but Hear Ye!, many people thought Enoch Powell was mad when he made his famous speech in the House of Commons, and he turned out to be right! History will prove one of us right!

I shouldn’t be so gloomy, after all at my age it hardly matters. Does it?


Gordon, You’re So Out of Touch!

Posted in Britain, Elections, England, Immigration, Justice, Muslim, Parliament, Prison, Teen alcohol abuse, UK, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 03/03/2010 by floroy1942

Praying for a Win?

Gordon Brown has once again proved how out of touch he is with the people of Britain. In a speech given to the Thames Valley Police last Monday he had the gall to suggest the ‘fear of crime’ by the population was nothing more than a political ploy by the Tories! What planet does this guy live on?

Fear of crime has been one of the main causes of concern for people in all walks of life for a decade! People no longer feel safe walking down the street of most towns and cities in the UK, and certainly not in their own home. Since the rise of the drunken yob culture in Britain it would be a brave man or woman who walks through the town centre on a Saturday evening. And yet, our esteemed Prime Minister thinks it’s a Tory ploy to get more votes.

Labour has been soft on crime ever since it came to power, in fact, it has exasperated the situation with its immigration policy because many of those responsible for the crime wave are immigrants. The Justice System is on the verge of total collapse due to his governments policy of releasing prisoners early and giving shorter sentences to ease the prison overcrowding instead of building more prisons.

Edlington Twins

Someone who commits cold-blooded murder gets less time in prison than a caring relative who assists a terminally ill patient in great pain to die. Career criminals are given community sentences which most of them ignore, and vicious torturers like the Edlington twins will be out in less than five years with a new identity.

He told the Thames Valley Police that in the last ten years prison sentences have ‘gone up’. What were they prior to that, zero? The number of repeat offenders who were released early has gone up dramatically since Labour swept to power in 1997, but nothing has been done to get these people off the streets.

Habitual Criminal Walid Salem

The case of Waled Salem the Egyptian career criminal who was caught by millionaire Munier Hussain and finally taught a lesson is a fine example, a lesson I might add that saw Hussain and his brother go to jail and Salem let off!

Prisoner Tag

Now Labour is apologising to jailbirds who will not be released early under the cancelled End of Custody Licence (ECL) Scheme and offering them early release with a tag. Under the ECL scheme, prisoners were released up to eighteen days before completion of their sentence, but under the new plan, they would be released up to four-and-a-half-months early! I can hear the cheers from the prisoners from here!

Another bone of contention brought to light yesterday by Lord Cary, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, accuses the government of ‘a strident and bullying campaign’ to marginalise Christianity in the name of political correctness. He said; “We have reached a point where politicians are mocked for merely expressing their faith….I cannot imagine any politician expressing concern that Britain should remain a Christian country. That reticence is a scandal and a disgrace to our history”.


Speaking before the Christian Broadcasting Council he highlighted two cases of people being victimised because of their faith. Olive Jones was sacked from her position as teacher for offering to pray for a cancer patient with whom she was working, and Caroline Petrie, a nurse in Somerset was suspended for offering to pray for a patient on her ward. She was later reinstated after a public outcry.

He is not the only one of our top clergy to express such a view. Last month Dr. John Sentamu the Bishop of York made his views known with the following; “Christianity is being pushed out of public life in a ‘ferocious and insidious manner'”.

Just how far down this ‘Politically Correct’ path are we expected to go. The government is without doubt backing this ridiculous practice, and so are the courts. Are we to remove all signs of religion in the country so we don’t upset the Muslims. Must they rule our country? Unless drastic steps are taken to reassert the rights of Britons in their own country, they will be within a few short years. They are already well on the way to achieving complete domination of local and national government.

Its the same old ‘elections are near’ bullshit from both the major political parties who are trying to dazzle, or more likely ‘con’ us into voting for them. As usual they pump out the same old rhetoric of how they alone are capable of ‘saving the nation’, but its all a smokescreen because once they are in power all the promises will be forgotten and it will be ‘business as usual’.

The Labour strategy of allowing in hundreds of thousands of labour supporting immigrants has kept them in power for far too long and now it is time they were put out to graze. They have done more than enough damage to our homeland, damage which I am sorry to say, may be irreversible.

David Cameron

No government in the history of our nation has done as much damage to our once proud nation, and so successfully sabotaged all the sacrifices made by previous generations to keep our country great. It is time for them to be consigned to history with the hope that the next government has the guts to salvage what is left of our land and our culture before it disappears into history. Whatever you do, don’t expect ‘Smoothie’ Cameron and his bunch to change anything if they win the election.

May God have mercy on us all!


Gordon Brown’s Letter to Those Nearing Retirement.

Posted in Britain, England, Insanity, MP's, UK with tags , , , , , , on 25/02/2010 by floroy1942

This letter has been sent to all UK pensioners and those nearing retirement – I think!


(Just in case I get sued for libel, it’s a joke OK)