Newton And The Gun Laws – The Debate Rages On

There has been a lot in the news about the Newton tragedy in The States and its ramifications on the gun debate, but now I find things have taken a weird turn. In the town of Harrold in Texas for instance, drastic measures have been taken to prevent gun crime in schools by arming teachers! Certain members of the teaching staff will carry concealed guns to protect pupils of the school from any repeat of the massacre that took place in Newton. The situation that caused many schools in The States to have metal detectors at the entrance has just got so much worse that now they have to arm teachers?

 Wayne LaPierre of the NRA

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) has just made a call for every school in the country to have an armed police officer on duty, and that is their answer to the many school massacres that have taken place over the last few years. As I write this I still cannot believe what I am hearing! For crying out loud, why not just give all the schoolchildren a gun and they can then defend themselves!!!!

Typical Gun Collection - Why is this necessary?

Typical Gun Collection – Why is this necessary?

Guns in the hands of people do no harm if they are mentally stable and responsible and you can argue that this covers the greater majority of gun owners in America, but what of the rest? It is no great task for someone with a grudge to get hold of a gun when the whole country is full of them. It is not difficult for anyone who is completely or temporarily ‘unhinged’ to get their hands on an assault rifle and go on the rampage. The past is full of atrocities committed when even people who have legal permission to carry a gun decide they want to kill a few people, and yet the NRA’s answer is even more guns!!!!

True - A Lot Of It!

True – A Lot Of It!

It is fair to say that the business of guns in the hands of private individuals, i.e. not the police or military, has proven to be a recipe for disaster in these times. True, the American people love their guns, and for sure any attempt by the government to ban people from owning one will be met by extreme resistance as one previous commenter has said, so you have a choice, either get rid of the guns out of society or continue to mourn the deaths of adults and children in massacre’s like Newton and all the others, for Newton will not be the last by a long way.

Compared to any other nation there is no contest, as can be verified by the fact that the USA is about the only country in the world where members of the general public can legally own a whole closet full of guns, ranging from machine guns and assault rifles to machine pistols and handguns.

Assault Weapons For Sale

Assault Weapons For Sale

It is interesting to note that the sale of guns, and assault rifles in particular have gone through the roof since the tragedy in Newton, in fact Walmart has sold its entire stock and is waiting for a new shipment. Its the same story all over the country. America’s fascination with guns means that some owners have their own arsenal of weapons and I can only guess the reason is its an American obsession based on its violent past. It makes me wonder why Congress doesn’t pass a Bill allowing people to buy anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles also.

But perhaps the people should remember the old saying, “Live by the gun – Die by the gun!” Ok so I  changed it around but the meaning is clear and relevant.

The only way for there to be a real and lasting peace in the United States without one atrocity following another, is to change the mentality of the people and help them learn there is life without a gun in your hand.

Politicians And The NRA

Politicians And The NRA

The government response to the crisis is probably going to be the re-enactment of the ban on assault rifles but in my view this is not going to prove very effective for there will still be millions of other guns on the streets and in homes. There can be little doubt that the NRA will not sit by quietly while the government tries to limit the number of guns in the country no matter how well intended. They will fight tooth and nail to be able to retain the law as it is and don’t care a fig for those that die needlessly, even when they are children as young as 5 or 6. In the current crisis the best they could come up with is an armed police officer in every school, as if that is going to make a difference: “The only way to stop gun crime is to have more guns!” What a load of tripe!!!!


6 Responses to “Newton And The Gun Laws – The Debate Rages On”

  1. I have a question for you. What about those people who us Guns to hunt or need them for protection from wild animals? Not everyone lives in a city.


    • Hi and welcome,
      Thank you for your comment. I don’t think anyone would argue gun ownership in the situation you describe. What is more damaging is people who collect many weapons as a hobby, in particular assualt rifles. Even in hunting and defence against animals you do not need such a weapon.
      Imagine that the USA is like other countries, you would have a much lower murder rate and practically no shooting rampages as happened in recent months. If no-one has a gun you don’t need one to defend yourself. Guns are endemic in America but the number of guns in circulation is illogical and more to the point, unnecessary. Now the NRA is saying you need more guns to protect against unstable people who go the rampage. Does that sound logical to you?
      Best Regards,


      • There is no easy answer. You can’t ban guns, because they have there uses. More guns will not do anything, but less guns will not either. Its all about education. Guns are not toys. They need to be treated that way, and Children need to be educated about correct use and handling as I was at 10. For Your Information: I was taken to gun range by a parent and was taught how to use a gun correctly by an instructor.


      • Hi,
        Nice to see you back. I agree with you that education is a very important part of having guns, but don’t you think that more stringent phsycological profiling is also important. Most people who go on the rampage and kill innocent people, especially children, either see the gun as a way of settling a grudge or ‘just go off the rails’. I am sure that perhaps 99% of gunowners are decent, stable people, but how do you prevent such outrages that cost so many children their lives recently. Guns are an inseperable part of American history, but surely the time when any Tom, Dick or Harry can own not just one, but many, is over and it’s time to cut down drastically on the number of guns in circulation. Otherwise you might as well give every man, woman and child a gun because they need it for protection against the ‘nuts’ out there. I have the feeling that it is an impossible situation for there will never be a satisfactory answer and the killing such as we have seen will go on and on.
        Best Regards,


  2. jim peters Says:

    So true! Only in America! Guns are not dangerous just the idiots that are allowed to have them, but thats something you cannot control as you have rightly said. We all get stressed or occasionally lose it so to speak, but access to a firearm can change a moment of madness into a life time of regret. Treat the symptom and the mentality before its too late – if it aint already. Jim


    • HI Jim, Nice to have you aboard. You are right of course, but I think the attraction of owning a gun is so deep-rooted in American culture the Constitution will never be changed to ban them altogether. As you say, the government should put its efforts into changing the mentality of people but that too will be an uphill struggle. There are millions of people in the States who do not own a gun and feel no need to and they are the ones who should be mobilised to convince the ‘gun nuts’ that what they are doing is wrong, and more to the point, unnecessary! As I see it, tragedies such as Newton and many others have become embedded in American culture and they will have to live with it.


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