Brexit Has Won – Thank Goodness

Finally we have got out from under the heel of the German led European Union, I say German led because they exert far more influence on the E.U. than any other nation. For example, which other nation would dare to give an open invitation to immigrants from Syria except Merkel who is now trying to foist them off on other nations within the bloc. I can’t think of one, can you!

Now Britain will be able to decide its own destiny without being dictated to by Brussels, and that has to be a good thing. No longer will the E.U. determine our laws and command our immigration policy as they have done for so many years. No longer will we be paying huge sums of money into the E.U. so they can fritter it away on stupid programmes.

Once the break is finalized we will be able return our nation to a proper system of law, and put an end to the endless stream of immigrants who are sucking our country dry. I long for the day when we gain back full control of our country.

As some have said, it may take two years before we can do that, but I hope our politicians can drastically shorten that time to no more than a year. It is certain that we will go through a hard time in the immediate future, but things will pick up the more we get out from under the yoke of those idiots in Brussels.

Once things have settled down we should get rid of all the immigrants that are causing so much trouble in our land, like the Muslim radicals that preach sedition in the mosques and the Muslim rapists who are selling our children into the sex slavery, plus the thousands of foreign criminals that currently infest our prisons. Without the interference of the Human Rights Commission in Strasbourg we will be able to return to a just and efficient rule of law like we used to have.

We can also get rid of all the immigrants that are sucking the benefit system dry and help those of our own people who need it the most. The last time the government had to hand out food parcels to the poor was during the Second World War.

We will have proper control over who comes into the country, for we can then allow in only those with a skill that we need, and not an entire family of twenty or more who live off benefits.

My only hope is that whoever forms the next government will be strong enough to do these things. It may take a while, but it must be done if Britain is to remain British.

There can be little doubt that Britain has been a beacon for many other European countries for it has been reported that many countries like France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark and many others now want to hold a referendum on staying in the E.U. If that happens I can well see the Union collapsing like a pack of cards.

I don’t think this will be bad thing, for they control far too much in all member states, and the funny thing is, none of those that govern us have been elected! Mind you, as I have said before, their aim is to get complete control of all member states and form the ‘United States of Europe’ with them as the sole government. This means in effect that all national governments will be retired when they take over. In my view, not a happy prospect.

Nearly half of the U.K. citizens voted to stay in the Union, but I doubt they were thinking of how things would be in the future. Most were probably looking out for their jobs. I am just glad that we won.

As to the future government of the U.K., well, that is anybody’s guess. It would seem that Boris Johnson is being hailed as the next Prime Minister after David Cameron’s resignation, although that won’t take place for several months. Whichever way it goes we can certainly see some political turmoil in the months ahead.

But just like the economic and bank rate problems at the moment, all these things will eventually fade into history as the country picks itself up and moves forward, which is something the British are very good at.

Whatever happens in the future, I am sure we will come out of it in far better circumstances than we were under Brussels control.


2 Responses to “Brexit Has Won – Thank Goodness”

  1. Alfie Says:

    I am happy for the people of Britain. My happiness extends to a willingness to see Scotland go away.
    The immediate aftermath reporting has been hilarious. On one hand one is supposed to scream “We told you so” when it comes to Spain looking longingly upon the Rock yet again. Funny how those same people don’t recall the anti-British EU failing the Anglo’s when Spain did their border hi jinx not to long ago.
    I also have to say it is great to see the difference between leaders of countries and MEP folks from those same countries. I saw one German being very polite and respectful yet a German MEP was quite adamant that the Brits must go NOW,in complete disregard of the wording of Article 50.
    You’ve had posts in the past that touched on these issues. Good for you!
    Good Luck Britons,I’m rooting for ya.


    • Hi again Alfie,
      To me it makes no difference if Scotland leave the United Kingdom but it would be a shame. If they succeed and become a member of the E.U. again then they would have to erect a border with the rest of the U.K. and this would be expensive and cause many of them hardship. I doubt the Scottish would want this.
      As to the Gibraltar situation, I doubt that much will change on this issue, much to the disappointment of the Spanish.
      As Always,


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